Laboratory of Human-Computer Interaction for Special Needs

USERfit Tool

USERfit is a well-established methodology focused on the generation of usability specifications. It was specifically created for the Assistive Technology field, and proved to be very suitable for the Design for All paradigm. This methodology uses paper-based forms to store and propagate the design related information. For this reason, some issues, such us the inclusion and elimination of new users or contexts of use or the need to propagate the results between forms, could make the specification process tedious.

The Laboratory of HCI for Special Needs implemented an application, called USERfit Tool, in order to facilitate the use of the USERfit design environment. In addition, USERfit Tool allows for the reuse of previously developed material and the sharing of design information among remote groups of designers, maintaining coherence and compatibility.  



Bibliography about USERfit and Userfit tool

         Abascal J., Nicolle C. (2000). The Application of USERfit Methodology to Teach Usability Guidelines. In C. Farenc & J. Vanderdonckt (eds.) Tools for Working with Guidelines. Springer. ISBN 1-85233-355-3. pp. 209-216.

         Abascal J., Arrue M., Garay N., Tomás J., Velasco C. (2003) Accessibility- and usability-oriented design through USERfit Tool. Upgrade, Vol. IV, no. 1, February, 2003.

         Abascal J., Arrue M., Garay N., Tomás J. (2003) USERfit Tool. A tool to facilitate Design for All. In N. Carbonell, Stephanidis (eds.) Universal Access: Theoretical Perspectives, Practice, and Experience. LNCS. Springer, Berlin 2003.

         Poulson D., Ashby M., Richardson S. (1996). USERfit: A practical handbook on user centred design for assistive technology. ECSC-EC-EAEC, Brussels-Luxembourg.

         Poulson D. F., Richardson S. J. (1998) USERfit - A Framework for User Centred Design in Assistive Technology. Technology and Disability, 9, 1998, pp 163-171, ISSN 1055-4181 .

         Poulson D. F., Ashby M. C., Marsh P. V., Phillips K. E., Richardson S. J., Heim J., Endestad T. (1996) USERfit: Usability for Assistive Technology (video). HUSAT Research Institute. CEC TIDE Project T1062 USER, Deliverable, No. D706.

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Click here to download  Userfit tool.



Comments and questions:

If you have any problems with this tool, please contact us by means of the comments form.