library(randomForest) library(SparseM) library(grDevices) library(foreign) library(mlbench) library(e1071) library(PRROC) library(zoo) readlibsvm <- function(file){ dd <- read.matrix.csr(file, fac=F) dtst <-$x)) dtst$Y <- dd$y+1 dtst$Y[which(dtst$Y==0)] <- 1 dtst$Y<-factor(dtst$Y) return(dtst[sample(1:nrow(dtst)),]) } # Obtain the LPs from a full labeling by forming bags # of size bs with contiguous instances obtain_lps <- function(classVar, bs=50) { nlabels <- length(levels(classVar)) ninsts <- length(classVar) nbags <- ceiling(length(classVar)/bs) lps <- matrix(0,nbags,nlabels) for (i in 1:nbags) { first <- (i-1)*bs+1 last <- min(i*bs,ninsts) lps[i,] <- as.vector(table(classVar[first:last])) } return(lps) } probMeanRank <- function(lps,probs) { res <- vector("numeric",nrow(lps)) iAct <- 1 for (i in 1:nrow(lps)) { bs <- sum(lps[i,]) iNext <- iAct+bs vals <- c(0,as.vector(probs[iAct:(iNext-1),2]),1) res[i] <- mean(vals[(lps[i,1]+1):(lps[i,1]+2)]) iAct <- iNext } return(list(m=mean(res),s=sd(res))) } probMinRank <- function(lps,probs) { res <- vector("numeric",nrow(lps)) iAct <- 1 for (i in 1:nrow(lps)) { bs <- sum(lps[i,]) iNext <- iAct+bs vals <- c(0,as.vector(probs[iAct:(iNext-1),2]),1) res[i] <- vals[lps[i,1]+1]+0.001 iAct <- iNext } return(list(m=mean(res),s=sd(res))) } probMaxRank <- function(lps,probs) { res <- vector("numeric",nrow(lps)) iAct <- 1 for (i in 1:nrow(lps)) { bs <- sum(lps[i,]) iNext <- iAct+bs vals <- c(0,as.vector(probs[iAct:(iNext-1),2]),1) res[i] <- vals[lps[i,1]+2]-0.001 iAct <- iNext } return(list(m=mean(res),s=sd(res))) } # PR in regular supervised setting precisionRecall <- function(realClass,probs,draw=T) { realClass = realClass-1 totalRealPos <- sum(realClass) thrs <- sort(unique(c(0,probs,1)),decreasing = T) res <- matrix(0,length(thrs),3) for (t in 1:length(thrs)) { pred <- vector("numeric",nrow(probs)) pred[which(probs[,2]>=thrs[t])] <- 1 TP <- sum(pred*realClass) res[t,]<-c(thrs[t],TP,sum(pred)-TP) } prPoints <- interpolaMacro(res, totalRealPos) if (draw) { rbPal <- colorRampPalette(c("green","red")) cool <- rbPal(nrow(prPoints))[as.numeric(cut(prPoints[,1],breaks = nrow(prPoints)))] par(fig=c(0,0.9,0,1)) plot(prPoints[1,2], prPoints[1,3], pch=".", col = cool[1], xlab="Recall", ylab="Precision", xlim = c(0,1), ylim=c(0,1)) for (i in 2:nrow(prPoints)) { lines(prPoints[(i-1):i,2], prPoints[(i-1):i,3], col=cool[i]) } par(fig=c(0.6,1,0,1), new=TRUE) legend_image <- as.raster(matrix(cool, ncol=1)) plot(c(0,2),c(0,1),type = 'n', axes = F,xlab = '', ylab = '') text(x=1.5, y = seq(0,1,l=5), cex=0.6, srt=270, labels=seq(0,1,l=5)) rasterImage(legend_image, 0, 0, 1,1) mtext("PR Curve", side=3, outer=TRUE, line=-3) } return( list( AUC=sum(diff(prPoints[,2])*rollmean(prPoints[,3],2)) ) ) } # Interpolation of the line for PR-curve using macro averaging interpolaMacro <- function(res, totalRealPos) { prPoints <- matrix(0,1,3) # threshold, Recall, Precision prPoints[1,] <- c(res[1,1],res[1,2]/totalRealPos,res[1,2]/(res[1,2]+res[1,3])) for (i in 2:nrow(res)) { # interpolation leap <- res[i,2]-res[i-1,2]-1 fact <- (res[i,3]-res[i-1,3])/(res[i,2]-res[i-1,2]) factT <- (res[i,1]-res[i-1,1])/(res[i,2]-res[i-1,2]) if (leap>0) { for (l in 1:leap) { nTP <- res[i-1,2] + l nFP <- res[i-1,3] + fact*l nT <- res[i-1,1] + factT*l prPoints <- rbind(prPoints,c(nT,nTP/totalRealPos,nTP/(nTP+nFP))) } } prPoints <- rbind(prPoints,c(res[i,1],res[i,2]/totalRealPos,res[i,2]/(res[i,2]+res[i,3]))) } prPoints[is.nan(prPoints)] <- 0 return(prPoints) } # PR-curve using macro averaging precisionRecallMacro <- function(lps,probs,draw=T) { totalRealPos <- sum(lps[,2]) thrs <- sort(unique(c(0,probs,1)),decreasing = T) resMin <- matrix(0,length(thrs),3) # threshold, TP, FP resAle <- matrix(0,length(thrs),3) # threshold, TP, FP resMed <- matrix(0,length(thrs),3) # threshold, TP, FP resMax <- matrix(0,length(thrs),3) # threshold, TP, FP BSs <- rowSums(lps) recTria <- lps[,2]>mean(lps[,2]) for (t in 1:length(thrs)) { pred <- vector("numeric",nrow(probs)) pred[which(probs[,2]>=thrs[t])] <- 1 totalPredPos <- sum(pred) PredPos <- vector("numeric",length=nrow(lps)) iAct <- 1 for (b in 1:nrow(lps)){ iNext <- iAct+BSs[b] PredPos[b] <- sum(pred[iAct:(iNext-1)]) iAct <- iNext } precTria <- PredPos>mean(PredPos) tpMin <- vector("numeric",length=nrow(lps)) tpAle <- vector("numeric",length=nrow(lps)) tpMed <- vector("numeric",length=nrow(lps)) tpMax <- vector("numeric",length=nrow(lps)) for (b in 1:nrow(lps)){ tpMin[b] <- max( 0 , PredPos[b]-lps[b,1] ) tpAle[b] <- PredPos[b]*lps[b,2]/BSs[b] tpMax[b] <- min( lps[b,2] , PredPos[b] ) } pesos <- (tpMax-tpMin)/(2*max(tpMax-tpMin)) pesos[is.nan(pesos)] <- 0 pesos <- 1-pesos recprev <- sum(pesos[recTria]*tpMin[recTria])/sum(pesos[recTria]*lps[recTria,2]) precprev <- sum(pesos[precTria]*tpMin[precTria])/sum(pesos[precTria]*PredPos[precTria]) if (is.nan(precprev) | precprev < 0 | precprev > 1) { precprev <- 0} for (b in 1:nrow(lps)) { prevision<-min(max(tpAle[b],precprev*PredPos[b],recprev*lps[b,2]),tpMax[b]) tpMed[b] <- round(mean(c(tpMax[b],prevision)))#round((tpMax[b]-tpMin[b])*wei[b]+tpMin[b])# } resMin[t,]<-c(thrs[t],sum(tpMin),totalPredPos-sum(tpMin)) resAle[t,]<-c(thrs[t],sum(tpAle),totalPredPos-sum(tpAle)) resMed[t,]<-c(thrs[t],sum(tpMed),totalPredPos-sum(tpMed)) resMax[t,]<-c(thrs[t],sum(tpMax),totalPredPos-sum(tpMax)) } prMinPoints <- interpolaMacro(resMin, totalRealPos) prAlePoints <- interpolaMacro(resAle, totalRealPos) prMaxPoints <- interpolaMacro(resMax, totalRealPos) prMedPoints <- interpolaMacro(resMed, totalRealPos) if (draw) { rbPal <- colorRampPalette(c("green","red")) cool <- rbPal(nrow(prMinPoints))[as.numeric(cut(prMinPoints[,1],breaks = nrow(prMinPoints)))] par(fig=c(0,0.9,0,1)) plot(prMinPoints[1,2], prMinPoints[1,3], pch=".", col = cool[1], xlab="Recall", ylab="Precision", xlim = c(0,1), ylim=c(0,1)) for (i in 2:nrow(prMinPoints)) { lines(prMinPoints[(i-1):i,2], prMinPoints[(i-1):i,3], col=cool[i]) } polygon(c(prMaxPoints[,2],rev(prMinPoints[,2])), c(prMaxPoints[,3],rev(prMinPoints[,3])),col='gray90',border=NA) cool <- rbPal(nrow(prAlePoints))[as.numeric(cut(prAlePoints[,1],breaks = nrow(prAlePoints)))] par(fig=c(0,0.9,0,1), new=TRUE) plot(prAlePoints[1,2], prAlePoints[1,3], pch=".", col=cool[1], xlab="", ylab="", xlim=c(0,1), ylim=c(0,1), axes = F) for (i in 2:nrow(prAlePoints)) { lines(prAlePoints[(i-1):i,2],prAlePoints[(i-1):i,3],col = cool[i]) } cool <- rbPal(nrow(prMedPoints))[as.numeric(cut(prMedPoints[,1],breaks = nrow(prMedPoints)))] par(fig=c(0,0.9,0,1), new=TRUE) plot(prMedPoints[1,2], prMedPoints[1,3], pch=".", col=cool[1], xlab="", ylab="", xlim=c(0,1), ylim=c(0,1), axes = F) for (i in 2:nrow(prMedPoints)) { lines(prMedPoints[(i-1):i,2],prMedPoints[(i-1):i,3],col = cool[i]) } cool <- rbPal(nrow(prMaxPoints))[as.numeric(cut(prMaxPoints[,1],breaks = nrow(prMaxPoints)))] par(fig=c(0,0.9,0,1), new=TRUE) plot(prMaxPoints[1,2], prMaxPoints[1,3], pch=".", col=cool[1], xlab="", ylab="", xlim=c(0,1), ylim=c(0,1), axes = F) for (i in 2:nrow(prMaxPoints)) { lines(prMaxPoints[(i-1):i,2],prMaxPoints[(i-1):i,3],col = cool[i]) } par(fig=c(0.6,1,0,1), new=TRUE) legend_image <- as.raster(matrix(cool, ncol=1)) plot(c(0,2),c(0,1),type = 'n', axes = F,xlab = '', ylab = '') text(x=1.5, y = seq(0,1,l=5), cex=0.6, srt=270, labels=seq(0,1,l=5)) rasterImage(legend_image, 0, 0, 1,1) mtext("PR Curve", side=3, outer=TRUE, line=-3) } return( list( AUCmin = sum(diff(prMinPoints[,2])*rollmean(prMinPoints[,3],2)), AUCale = sum(diff(prAlePoints[,2])*rollmean(prAlePoints[,3],2)), AUCmed = sum(diff(prMedPoints[,2])*rollmean(prMedPoints[,3],2)), AUCmax = sum(diff(prMaxPoints[,2])*rollmean(prMaxPoints[,3],2)) ) ) } # PR-curve using micro averaging precisionRecallMicro <- function(lps,probs,draw=T) { totalRealPos <- sum(lps[,2]) prodRealPos <- prod(lps[which(lps[,2]>0),2]) numPRP <- sum(lps[,2]>0) thrs <- sort(unique(c(0,probs,1)),decreasing = T) resMin <- matrix(0,length(thrs),3) # threshold, TP, FP resAle <- matrix(0,length(thrs),3) # threshold, TP, FP resMed <- matrix(0,length(thrs),3) # threshold, TP, FP resMax <- matrix(0,length(thrs),3) # threshold, TP, FP BSs <- rowSums(lps) recTria <- lps[,2]>mean(lps[,2]) for (t in 1:length(thrs)) { pred <- vector("numeric",nrow(probs)) pred[which(probs[,2]>=thrs[t])] <- 1 totalPredPos <- sum(pred) PredPos <- vector("numeric",length=nrow(lps)) iAct <- 1 for (b in 1:nrow(lps)){ iNext <- iAct+BSs[b] PredPos[b] <- sum(pred[iAct:(iNext-1)]) iAct <- iNext } tpMin <- vector("numeric",length=nrow(lps)) tpAle <- vector("numeric",length=nrow(lps)) tpMed <- vector("numeric",length=nrow(lps)) tpMax <- vector("numeric",length=nrow(lps)) iAct <- 1 for (b in 1:nrow(lps)){ iNext <- iAct+BSs[b] tpMin[b] <- max( 0 , PredPos[b]-lps[b,1] ) tpAle[b] <- PredPos[b]*lps[b,2]/BSs[b] tpMax[b] <- min( lps[b,2], PredPos[b] ) iAct <- iNext } precTria <- PredPos>mean(PredPos) pesos <- (tpMax-tpMin)/(2*max(tpMax-tpMin)) pesos[is.nan(pesos)] <- 0 pesos <- 1-pesos recprev <- sum(pesos[recTria]*tpMin[recTria])/sum(pesos[recTria]*lps[recTria,2]) precprev <- sum(pesos[precTria]*tpMin[precTria])/sum(pesos[precTria]*PredPos[precTria]) if (is.nan(precprev) | precprev < 0 | precprev > 1) { precprev <- 0} for (b in 1:nrow(lps)) { prevision<-min(max(tpAle[b],precprev*PredPos[b],recprev*lps[b,2]),tpMax[b]) tpMed[b] <- round(mean(c(tpMax[b],prevision))) } meanPrec <- tpMin/PredPos meanPrec[] <- 0 meanRec <- tpMin/lps[,2] meanRec[] <- 0 resMin[t,]<-c( thrs[t], 100*mean(meanPrec[which(PredPos>0)]) , 100*mean(meanRec[which(lps[,2]>0)]) ) meanPrec <- tpAle/PredPos meanPrec[] <- 0 meanRec <- tpAle/lps[,2] meanRec[] <- 0 resAle[t,]<-c( thrs[t], 100*mean(meanPrec[which(PredPos>0)]) , 100*mean(meanRec[which(lps[,2]>0)]) ) meanPrec <- tpMed/PredPos meanPrec[] <- 0 meanRec <- tpMed/lps[,2] meanRec[] <- 0 resMed[t,]<-c( thrs[t], 100*mean(meanPrec[which(PredPos>0)]) , 100*mean(meanRec[which(lps[,2]>0)]) ) meanPrec <- tpMax/PredPos meanPrec[] <- 0 meanRec <- tpMax/lps[,2] meanRec[] <- 0 resMax[t,]<-c( thrs[t], 100*mean(meanPrec[which(PredPos>0)]) , 100*mean(meanRec[which(lps[,2]>0)]) ) } resMin[is.nan(resMin)]<-0 resAle[is.nan(resAle)]<-0 resMed[is.nan(resMed)]<-0 resMax[is.nan(resMax)]<-0 # print(resMin) prMinPoints <- interpolaMicro(resMin) prAlePoints <- interpolaMicro(resAle) prMedPoints <- interpolaMicro(resMed) prMaxPoints <- interpolaMicro(resMax) if (draw) { rbPal <- colorRampPalette(c("green","red")) cool <- rbPal(nrow(prMinPoints))[as.numeric(cut(prMinPoints[,1],breaks = nrow(prMinPoints)))] par(fig=c(0,0.9,0,1)) plot(prMinPoints[1,2], prMinPoints[1,3], pch=".", col = cool[1], xlab="Recall", ylab="Precision", xlim = c(0,1), ylim=c(0,1)) for (i in 2:nrow(prMinPoints)) { lines(prMinPoints[(i-1):i,2], prMinPoints[(i-1):i,3], col=cool[i]) } polygon(c(prMaxPoints[,2],rev(prMinPoints[,2])), c(prMaxPoints[,3],rev(prMinPoints[,3])),col='gray90',border=NA) cool <- rbPal(nrow(prAlePoints))[as.numeric(cut(prAlePoints[,1],breaks = nrow(prAlePoints)))] par(fig=c(0,0.9,0,1), new=TRUE) plot(prAlePoints[1,2], prAlePoints[1,3], pch=".", col=cool[1], xlab="", ylab="", xlim=c(0,1), ylim=c(0,1), axes = F) for (i in 2:nrow(prAlePoints)) { lines(prAlePoints[(i-1):i,2],prAlePoints[(i-1):i,3],col = cool[i]) } cool <- rbPal(nrow(prMedPoints))[as.numeric(cut(prMedPoints[,1],breaks = nrow(prMedPoints)))] par(fig=c(0,0.9,0,1), new=TRUE) plot(prMedPoints[1,2], prMedPoints[1,3], pch=".", col=cool[1], xlab="", ylab="", xlim=c(0,1), ylim=c(0,1), axes = F) for (i in 2:nrow(prMedPoints)) { lines(prMedPoints[(i-1):i,2],prMedPoints[(i-1):i,3],col = cool[i]) } cool <- rbPal(nrow(prMaxPoints))[as.numeric(cut(prMaxPoints[,1],breaks = nrow(prMaxPoints)))] par(fig=c(0,0.9,0,1), new=TRUE) plot(prMaxPoints[1,2], prMaxPoints[1,3], pch=".", col=cool[1], xlab="", ylab="", xlim=c(0,1), ylim=c(0,1), axes = F) for (i in 2:nrow(prMaxPoints)) { lines(prMaxPoints[(i-1):i,2],prMaxPoints[(i-1):i,3],col = cool[i]) } # BAR LEGEND Threshold par(fig=c(0.6,1,0,1), new=TRUE) legend_image <- as.raster(matrix(cool, ncol=1)) plot(c(0,2),c(0,1),type = 'n', axes = F,xlab = '', ylab = '') text(x=1.5, y = seq(0,1,l=5), cex=0.6, srt=270, labels=seq(0,1,l=5)) rasterImage(legend_image, 0, 0, 1,1) mtext("PR Curve", side=3, outer=TRUE, line=-3) } return( list( AUCmin = sum(diff(prMinPoints[,2])*rollmean(prMinPoints[,3],2)), AUCale = sum(diff(prAlePoints[,2])*rollmean(prAlePoints[,3],2)), AUCmed = sum(diff(prMedPoints[,2])*rollmean(prMedPoints[,3],2)), AUCmax = sum(diff(prMaxPoints[,2])*rollmean(prMaxPoints[,3],2)) ) ) } # Interpolation of the line for PR-curve using micro averaging interpolaMicro <- function(res){ prPoints <- matrix(0,1,3) # threshold, Recall, Precision prPoints[1,] <- c(res[1,1],res[1,3]/100,res[1,2]/100) for (i in 2:nrow(res)) { # interpolation leap <- res[i,2]-res[i-1,2]-1 factF <- (100-res[i,2]-100+res[i-1,2])/(res[i,2]-res[i-1,2]) factRec <- (res[i,3]-res[i-1,3])/(res[i,2]-res[i-1,2]) factT <- (res[i,1]-res[i-1,1])/(res[i,2]-res[i-1,2]) if (leap>=1) { for (l in 1:leap) { nTP <- res[i-1,2] + l nFP <- (100-res[i-1,2]) + l*factF nTPrec <- res[i-1,3] + factRec*l nT <- res[i-1,1] + factT*l prPoints <- rbind(prPoints,c(nT,nTPrec/100,nTP/(nTP+nFP))) } } prPoints <- rbind(prPoints,c(res[i,1],res[i,3]/100,res[i,2]/100)) } prPoints[is.nan(prPoints)]<-0 return (prPoints) } ############################ DATA LOAD ############################ # dtst <- read.table("../_data_binary_class/biodeg.csv", sep=";", header=F) # iclass <- 42 # # 1055 x 42 (66/34) # # Pima Indians Diabetes Database data(PimaIndiansDiabetes) dtst <- PimaIndiansDiabetes dtst <- dtst[sample(1:nrow(dtst)),] iclass <- 9 dtst[,iclass]<-factor(as.numeric(dtst[,iclass])) rm(PimaIndiansDiabetes) # 768 x 9 (65/35) # # # Titanic # data(Titanic) # # repeating_sequence <-, Titanic_df$Freq) # dtst <- Titanic_df[repeating_sequence,] # dtst$Freq=NULL # dtst<-dtst[sample(1:nrow(dtst)),] # iclass <- 4 # dtst[,iclass]<-factor(as.numeric(dtst[,iclass])) # rm(Titanic,Titanic_df,repeating_sequence) # # 2201 x 4 (68/32) # # dtst <- readlibsvm("../_data_binary_class/australian.libsvm") # iclass <- 15 # # 690 x 15 (56/44) # # dtst <- readlibsvm("../_data_binary_class/splice.libsvm") # iclass <- 61 # # 3175 x 61 (48/52) # # dtst <- readlibsvm("../_data_binary_class/svmguide1.libsvm") # iclass <- 5 # # 7089 x 5 (44/56) # # # Wisconsin Breast Cancer Database # data(BreastCancer) # dtst <- BreastCancer # dtst <- dtst[sample(1:nrow(dtst)),-1] # for (i in 1:9) { # dtst[,i] <- as.numeric(dtst[,i]) # } # iclass <- 10 # dtst[,iclass]<-factor(as.numeric(dtst[,iclass])) # rm(BreastCancer) # # 699 x 10 (66/34) ###################### LEARNING ###################### frm <- as.formula(paste(names(dtst)[iclass]," ~ .",sep="")) fit=naiveBayes(frm, data=dtst) origClassProbs <- predict(fit, dtst, type="raw")+0.002 origClassProbs <- origClassProbs/rowSums(origClassProbs) namefile <- "phishing" lPrSw <- c(0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4) lBS <- c(5,10,25,50) dr <- F nrep <- 10 resultados <- c() for (bs in lBS) { for (propSwaps in lPrSw) { swaps <- sort(sample(1:nrow(origClassProbs),size = propSwaps*nrow(origClassProbs),replace = F)) classProbs <- origClassProbs classProbs[swaps,] <- classProbs[swaps,c(2,1)] resMacro <- matrix(0,nrow=nrep,ncol=4) resMicro <- matrix(0,nrow=nrep,ncol=4) resLoss <- matrix(0,nrow=nrep,ncol=1) for (r in 1:nrep) { print(c(bs,propSwaps,r)) orden <- sample(1:nrow(dtst)) real_lps <- obtain_lps(dtst[orden,iclass],bs = bs) pred_lps <- obtain_lps(factor((classProbs[orden,2]>=0.5)+1),bs = bs) resMacro[r,] <- unlist(precisionRecallMacro(real_lps,classProbs[orden,], draw=dr)) resMicro[r,] <- unlist(precisionRecallMicro(real_lps,classProbs[orden,], draw=dr)) resLoss[r,1] <- 1-sum(abs(real_lps[,2]-pred_lps[,2]))/nrow(dtst) } resultados <- rbind(resultados, c(colSums(resMacro)/nrow(resMacro), colSums(resMicro)/nrow(resMicro), mean(resLoss), sum(diag(table(dtst[,iclass], (classProbs[,2]>=0.5)+1)))/nrow(dtst), precisionRecall(as.numeric(dtst[,iclass]),classProbs, draw=dr)) ) } } write.csv(resultados,paste("results/",namefile,".resout",sep=""),row.names = F,quote=F)