Home > Mateda2.0 > functions > sat > MakeVarDepFormulas.m







 MakeVarDepFormulas: Creates a set of formulas (one corresponds to each objective) where some clauses have a higher
                     probability to appear in the formula in accordance to
                     the variables appear in them
 n: Number of variables
 m: Number of formulas (objectives)
 c: Number of clauses in each formula 
 relatedvars: Vector of variables that will be more frequent in each formula
 ratio: Determines how often a clause appear in a formula. ratio=1 implies
        that all variables have the same likelihood. The weight of a
        clause is the sum of variables in relatedvars multiplied by the
        ratio. The probability of each clauses is computed normalizing its weight by
        the total weight
 Formulas: An array of matrices, each matrix has a row for each clause,
           In the row, first the variables involved are shown, then
           whether they are negated (0 value) or not (1 value)
  [Formulas] = MakeVarDepFormulas(20,10,20,[1:10],5) 

 Last version 8/26/2008. Roberto Santana (roberto.santana@ehu.es)


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function[Formulas]=MakeVarDepFormulas(n,m,c,relatedvars,ratio) 
0002 % [Formulas]=MakeVarDepFormulas(n,m,c,relatedvars,ratio)
0003 % MakeVarDepFormulas: Creates a set of formulas (one corresponds to each objective) where some clauses have a higher
0004 %                     probability to appear in the formula in accordance to
0005 %                     the variables appear in them
0006 % INPUT
0007 % n: Number of variables
0008 % m: Number of formulas (objectives)
0009 % c: Number of clauses in each formula
0010 % relatedvars: Vector of variables that will be more frequent in each formula
0011 % ratio: Determines how often a clause appear in a formula. ratio=1 implies
0012 %        that all variables have the same likelihood. The weight of a
0013 %        clause is the sum of variables in relatedvars multiplied by the
0014 %        ratio. The probability of each clauses is computed normalizing its weight by
0015 %        the total weight
0016 % OUTPUT
0017 % Formulas: An array of matrices, each matrix has a row for each clause,
0018 %           In the row, first the variables involved are shown, then
0019 %           whether they are negated (0 value) or not (1 value)
0020 % EXAMPLE
0021 %  [Formulas] = MakeVarDepFormulas(20,10,20,[1:10],5)
0022 %
0023 % Last version 8/26/2008. Roberto Santana (roberto.santana@ehu.es)
0025 triples = nchoosek([1:n],3);
0026 ntriples = size(triples,1);
0028  for i=1:ntriples,
0029   common = intersect(relatedvars,triples(i,:));
0030   ncommon = size(common,2);
0031   if(ncommon>1) 
0032       val(i) = ratio*ncommon;
0033   else
0034       val(i) = 1;
0035   end
0036  end
0039  matrix = zeros(n,n);
0040  val = cumsum(val/sum(val));
0044  for i=1:m
0045     Index = sus(c,val);
0047    for j=1:c
0048      Formulas{i,j} = [triples(Index(j),:),fix(2*rand(1,3))];
0049      matrix(triples(Index(j),1),triples(Index(j),2)) = matrix(triples(Index(j),1),triples(Index(j),2)) + 1;
0050      matrix(triples(Index(j),1),triples(Index(j),3)) = matrix(triples(Index(j),1),triples(Index(j),3)) + 1;
0051      matrix(triples(Index(j),2),triples(Index(j),3)) = matrix(triples(Index(j),2),triples(Index(j),3)) + 1;
0052      matrix(triples(Index(j),2),triples(Index(j),1)) = matrix(triples(Index(j),2),triples(Index(j),1)) + 1;
0053      matrix(triples(Index(j),3),triples(Index(j),1)) = matrix(triples(Index(j),3),triples(Index(j),1)) + 1;
0054      matrix(triples(Index(j),3),triples(Index(j),2)) = matrix(triples(Index(j),3),triples(Index(j),2)) + 1;
0055    end 
0056  end
0058  %matrix
0059  %sum(matrix(1:10,1:10))
0060  %sum(matrix(11:20,11:20))

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