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[bnet] = LearnBNwithObjectives(k,NumbVar,Card,AuxPop,AuxFunVal,learning_params)


function[bnet] = LearnBNwithObjectives(k,NumbVar,Card,AuxPop,AuxFunVal,learning_params)


 [bnet] =  LearnBNwithObjectives(k,NumbVar,Card,AuxPop,AuxFunVal,learning_params)
 LearnBNwithObjectives:     Learns the Bayesian network from the given population using
             Bayesian network learning algorithms of the BNtools and
             libraries (see references in the documentation)
             See also BNT structure learning  package for explanation (http://bnt.insa-rouen.fr/ajouts.html)
 k: Current generation
 NumbVar: Number of variables
 AuxPop: Selected population (data set for learning the BN)
 AuxFunVal: Evaluation of the data set (required for some learning algorithms, not for this one)
 Card: Vector with the dimension of all the variables.
 learning_params{1} = TypeLearning: Type of method used for learning the Bayesian network
                         TypeLearning = {'pc','tree','k2','k2t'}.  pc:  PC algorithm.
                         'tree':  MWST based tree algorithm. 'k2': K2  algorithm initialized from a random
                         ordering of the variables k2t:  K2  algorithm initialized from a tree dag ordering
 learning_params{2} = MaxParent: Maximum number of parents for the Bayesian Networks or
                         maximum size of the conditioning set for PC. By default, MaxParent = n.
 learning_params{3} = epsilon: alpha is the significance level (default: 0.05) for the
                                  probabilistic independence tests in PC  algorithm
 learning_params{4} = type_indeptest: Type of independence test used by
                         PC.   type_indeptest = {'pearson', 'LRT'} for  Pearson's chi2 test (default)
                         and G2 likelihood ratio test
 learning_params{5} = scoring_fn:  Type of scoring function used by K2 structure learning algorithms.
                         scoring_fn = {'bic','bayesian'}. Default (bic)
 learning_params{6} = verbose = {'yes','no'}. Whether to display the output of K2 learning algorithm while running
 bnet: Bayesian network learned from the selected population

 Last version 8/26/2008. Roberto Santana (roberto.santana@ehu.es)


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function[bnet] =  LearnBNwithObjectives(k,NumbVar,Card,AuxPop,AuxFunVal,learning_params)
0002 % [bnet] =  LearnBNwithObjectives(k,NumbVar,Card,AuxPop,AuxFunVal,learning_params)
0003 % LearnBNwithObjectives:     Learns the Bayesian network from the given population using
0004 %             Bayesian network learning algorithms of the BNtools and
0005 %             libraries (see references in the documentation)
0006 %             See also BNT structure learning  package for explanation (http://bnt.insa-rouen.fr/ajouts.html)
0007 % INPUTS
0008 % k: Current generation
0009 % NumbVar: Number of variables
0010 % AuxPop: Selected population (data set for learning the BN)
0011 % AuxFunVal: Evaluation of the data set (required for some learning algorithms, not for this one)
0012 % Card: Vector with the dimension of all the variables.
0013 % learning_params{1} = TypeLearning: Type of method used for learning the Bayesian network
0014 %                         TypeLearning = {'pc','tree','k2','k2t'}.  pc:  PC algorithm.
0015 %                         'tree':  MWST based tree algorithm. 'k2': K2  algorithm initialized from a random
0016 %                         ordering of the variables k2t:  K2  algorithm initialized from a tree dag ordering
0017 % learning_params{2} = MaxParent: Maximum number of parents for the Bayesian Networks or
0018 %                         maximum size of the conditioning set for PC. By default, MaxParent = n.
0019 % learning_params{3} = epsilon: alpha is the significance level (default: 0.05) for the
0020 %                                  probabilistic independence tests in PC  algorithm
0021 % learning_params{4} = type_indeptest: Type of independence test used by
0022 %                         PC.   type_indeptest = {'pearson', 'LRT'} for  Pearson's chi2 test (default)
0023 %                         and G2 likelihood ratio test
0024 % learning_params{5} = scoring_fn:  Type of scoring function used by K2 structure learning algorithms.
0025 %                         scoring_fn = {'bic','bayesian'}. Default (bic)
0026 % learning_params{6} = verbose = {'yes','no'}. Whether to display the output of K2 learning algorithm while running
0027 % OUTPUTS
0028 % bnet: Bayesian network learned from the selected population
0029 %
0030 % Last version 8/26/2008. Roberto Santana (roberto.santana@ehu.es)
0032 TypeLearning = char(cellstr(learning_params{1}(1)));
0033 MaxParent = cell2num(learning_params{1}(2));
0034 alpha = cell2num(learning_params{1}(3));
0035 type_indeptest = char(cellstr(learning_params{1}(4))); 
0036 scoring_fn = char(cellstr(learning_params{1}(5)));
0037 verbose = char(cellstr(learning_params{1}(6)));
0040 SelPop = AuxPop'+1;  % For the bnet learning procedure, variables are rows and observations columns
0041                      % Entries in the matrix should be non-zero
0043 % All nodes are set to be discrete
0044 for i=1:NumbVar 
0045  nodetype{1,i} = 'tabular';
0046 end
0049 switch lower(TypeLearning)
0050   case {'pc'}
0051     % PC algorithm
0052     pdag = learn_struct_pdag_pc('cond_indep_chisquare',NumbVar,MaxParent,SelPop,'pearson',alpha,Card);
0053     dag = cpdag_to_dag(pdag);
0054   case {'tree'}
0055     % MWST based tree algorithm
0056     root = fix(rand*NumbVar)+1;
0057     dag = full(learn_struct_mwst(SelPop,[],ones(1,NumbVar),nodetype,'mutual_info',root));
0058    case {'k2'} 
0059    %K2 algorithm
0060     root = fix(rand*NumbVar)+1;
0061     order = randperm(NumbVar);
0062     dag =  learn_struct_K2(SelPop,Card,order,'max_fan_in',MaxParent,'scoring_fn',scoring_fn);   
0063    case {'k2t'} 
0064    %K2 algorithm initialized from a tree dag
0065     root = fix(rand*NumbVar)+1;
0066     dag = full(learn_struct_mwst(SelPop,[],ones(1,NumbVar),nodetype,'mutual_info',root));
0067     order = topological_sort(dag);
0068     dag =  learn_struct_K2(SelPop,Card,order,'max_fan_in',MaxParent,'scoring_fn',scoring_fn);   
0069    end,
0072 init_bnet = mk_bnet(dag,Card);
0073 % All nodes are set to be discrete
0074 for i=1:NumbVar 
0075  init_bnet.CPD{i} = tabular_CPD(init_bnet,i);
0076 end,
0078 bnet = learn_params(init_bnet,SelPop);
0079 %figure
0080 %draw_graph(dag);

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