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[k_solutions,k_probvalues] = Find_kMPEs(bnet,k,Card)


function[k_solutions,k_probvalues] = Find_kMPEs(bnet,k,Card)


 [k_solutions,k_probvalues] =  Find_kMPEs(bnet,k,Card)
 Find_kMPEs:  Given a Bayesian network, find the k most probable
              configurations of the network.
              This is essentially the algorithm introduced by Nilsson in:
              D. Nilsson. An efficient algorithm for finding the {M} most probable configurations in probabilistic expert systems},
              Statistics and Computing, Vol 2., 1998, Pp. 159--173
              The algorithm computes the junction tree of the BN and apply max-propagation and dynamic programming 
              for finding the k MPCs.  Nilsson proposed two schedules for
              finding the subsequent maxima. This implementation
              corresponds to the first proposed schedule. Currently, it
              works for binary variables
 bnet: Bayesian network
 k: Number of most probable configurations to find
 Card: Cardinality of the variables 
 k_solutions: List of k most probable configurations
 k_probvalues: Probalities given to each configuration during the process
               (Not necessarily the exact probabilities given by the original JT)
 Last version 8/26/2008. Roberto Santana (roberto.santana@ehu.es)


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function[k_solutions,k_probvalues] =  Find_kMPEs(bnet,k,Card)
0002 % [k_solutions,k_probvalues] =  Find_kMPEs(bnet,k,Card)
0003 % Find_kMPEs:  Given a Bayesian network, find the k most probable
0004 %              configurations of the network.
0005 %              This is essentially the algorithm introduced by Nilsson in:
0006 %              D. Nilsson. An efficient algorithm for finding the {M} most probable configurations in probabilistic expert systems},
0007 %              Statistics and Computing, Vol 2., 1998, Pp. 159--173
0008 %              The algorithm computes the junction tree of the BN and apply max-propagation and dynamic programming
0009 %              for finding the k MPCs.  Nilsson proposed two schedules for
0010 %              finding the subsequent maxima. This implementation
0011 %              corresponds to the first proposed schedule. Currently, it
0012 %              works for binary variables
0013 % INPUTS
0014 % bnet: Bayesian network
0015 % k: Number of most probable configurations to find
0016 % Card: Cardinality of the variables
0017 % OUTPUTS
0018 % k_solutions: List of k most probable configurations
0019 % k_probvalues: Probalities given to each configuration during the process
0020 %               (Not necessarily the exact probabilities given by the original JT)
0021 % Last version 8/26/2008. Roberto Santana (roberto.santana@ehu.es)
0023 n = size(Card,2); % Number of variables
0024 [AccCard] = FindAccCard(n,Card);
0026 JT = jtree_inf_engine(bnet, 'maximize', 1);  % The original JT is found from the BN
0027  for i=1:n,
0028   auxvar{i} = [];           %      All variables are hidden
0029  end,
0031  mpe_solution = find_mpe(JT,auxvar);                % The most probable configuration is computed
0032  [JT, logprob] = enter_evidence(JT, mpe_solution); % The probability is computed
0033  prob_value = exp(logprob);   
0035  DataJTs(1,:) = [0,0,prob_value];  % The fields of DataJTs are: index,marca,prob_value of the JT
0036  AllJTs{1} = JT;
0037  AllConfs{1} = mpe_solution;
0038  nJT = 1;
0039  first = 1;
0040  no_visited = 1;
0041  while ( first <= k & ~isempty(no_visited))   % The procedure ends when the next JT is k or all JTs have been visited
0042                                               % i.e. many potential configurations have probability zero
0043     no_visited = find(DataJTs(:,1)==0);       % All JTs that have not been visited
0044     if(~isempty(no_visited))
0045       [val,Best_JT_index] = max(DataJTs(no_visited,3));  % The index of the  JT with highest probability
0047       k_probvalues(first) = val;
0048       k_solutions(first,:) = AllConfs{no_visited(Best_JT_index)}(:);
0049       Best_JT = AllJTs{no_visited(Best_JT_index)};          % The  JT with highest probability
0050       Marca = DataJTs(no_visited(Best_JT_index),2);
0051       DataJTs(no_visited(Best_JT_index),1) = 1;             % Now it has been visited
0053       for i=1:n,
0054          auxvar{i} = [];           %      All variables are hidden
0055       end,
0057       best_conf = k_solutions(first,:);   %find_mpe(Best_JT,auxvar);
0058         [valindex] = NumconvertCard(cell2num(k_solutions(first,:))-1,n,AccCard)+1;
0061       for i=Marca+1:n
0063              NewJT = Best_JT;             
0065              % To extend to the discrete case, the next steps should be
0066              % modified to enter not only positive envidence (p(x_i)=1)
0067              % but also negative evidence (p(x_i)=0)
0068              for j=1:i,
0069                if (j<i) 
0070                  auxvar{j} = cell2num(best_conf(j));  
0071                else
0072                  auxvar{j} = (3 - cell2num(best_conf(j)));
0073                end
0074              end
0076             mpe_solution = find_mpe(NewJT,auxvar);         % The most probable configuration is computed
0077             [NewJT, logprob] = enter_evidence(NewJT, mpe_solution);   % The probability is computed
0078             prob_value = exp(logprob);
0080             if prob_value>0  % Only configurations with positive probabilities are considered
0081               nJT = nJT + 1;  
0082               AllConfs{nJT} = mpe_solution;
0083               AllJTs{nJT} = NewJT; % The JT has been updated with the evidence
0084               DataJTs(nJT,:) = [0,i,prob_value];     
0085             end          
0086      end,    
0087      first = first + 1;
0088     end
0089  end
0091  k_solutions = cell2num(k_solutions);
0092   return

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