This is the text of the file readmeIeadmUML.txt The archive contains the following files and documentation, corresponding to the materials used in the article "An Intial Experimental Assessment of the Dynamic Modelling in UML" by M.C. Otero and J.J. Dolado. * UML diagrams 1. cellular-phone.ppt 2. library-system.ppt 3. dictaphone.ppt * Questionnaires 1. test-cellular-phone.rtf 2. test-library-system.rtf 3. test-dictaphone.rtf * Correct answers. This file can only be obtained by contacting the authors. * Data 1. test-spss-data-1999.sav (SPSS data file) 2. test-tab-data-1999.dat (text data file with tab as delimiter) 3. (JMP data file) 4. NCSS data base: test-ncss-data-1999.s0 and test-ncss-data-1999.s1 * Script files associated to each data files (SPSS, JMP and NCSS) 1. sintaxis-spss-data-1999.sps for SPSS. 2. script-jmp-data-1999.jsl for JMP. 3. template-ncss-1glmanova.2 and template-ncss-2glmanova.2 for the first and second analysis of variance in NCSS (\ncss\settings).