Born in Palermo (Italy), 06/09/72.


E-mail: daniele.cangialosi@ehu.eus
Phone : (+34) 943 01 8806


Education and jobs:

Since October 2009: Tenured scientist (CSIC-Spain) at
Centro de Física de Materiales, Centro Mixto CSIC-UPV/EHU, San Sebastián.

March 2007 - September 2009: Research Fellow at CSIC (I3P program).

March 2004 - February 2007: Research fellow at
Donostia International Physics Center; working in the group of Prof. Juan Colmenero.

February 2001 – January 2004: Postdoc at “Polymer Science & Engineering Group”, Technical University of Delft – The Nehterlands; working in the group of Prof.
Stephen J.Picken. Project title: “Influence of applied stress and physical ageing on diffusion and solubility of oxygen and anti-oxidants”.

November 1997 – October 2000: PhD. student at Department of Chemical Engineering of Processes and Materials, Univesity of Palermo.
Thesis title: "Study of MMA Polymerization in the Presence of Rubber".

1991-1997: Master degree in Chemical Engineering at the University of Palermo (Italy).


Book Chapters:

  1. D. Cangialosi, ‘Glass transition and physical aging of confined polymers investigated by calorimetric techniques’ Edited by C. Schick., S. Vyazovkin and N. Koga, Elsevier, submitted.


2.      D. Cangialosi, A. Alegría and J. Colmenero 'Cooling rate dependent glass transition in thin polymer films and in bulk' Edited by C. Schick and V. Mathot. Springer (2016).


3.      D. Cangialosi 'Effect of Confinement Geometry on Out-of-Equilibrium Glassy Dynamics' Edited by S. Napolitano. Springer (2015).


4.      D. Cangialosi 'Equilibrium and Out-of-Equilibrium Dynamics in Confined Polymers and Other Glass Forming Systems by Dielectric Spectroscopy and Calorimetric Techniques' in 'Dynamics in Geometrical Confinement' Edited by F. Kremer. Springer (2014).


5.      T. Scopigno and D. Cangialosi 'Interplay between Fragility and Glass Dynamics' in 'Fragility of Glass-Forming Systems' Edited by A. L. Greer, K. F. Kelton and S. Sastry. Hindustan Book Agency (2014).



Articles (ISI – Web of Science):

  1. I. Gallino, D. Cangialosi, B. Ruta, M. Stolpe, L. Y. Schmitt, S. Hechler, Z. Evenson, R. Busch 'Activation energy spectrum for relaxation and liquid-liquid transition in an ultra-viscous metallic glass former and its reversibility', Submitted for publication.


  1. N. Gutierrez Perez-de-Eulate, M. Sferrazza, D. Cangialosi, S. Napolitano 'Irreversible adsorption erases the free surface effect on the Tg of supported films of poly(4-tert-butylstyrene)' ACS Macro Letters, 6, 354?358 (2017).


  1. V. M. Boucher, D. Cangialosi, A. Alegría, J. Colmenero 'Complex nonequilibrium dynamics of stacked polystyrene films deep in the glassy state' Journal of Chemical Physics, 146, 203312 (2017).


  1. V. M. Boucher, D. Cangialosi, A. Alegría, J. Colmenero 'Reaching the ideal glass transition by aging polymer films', Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 19, 961-965 (2017) Communication.


  1. M. J. Borroughs, S. Napolitano, D. Cangialosi, R. D. Priestley 'Direct Measurement of Interfacial Effects on Exposed and Buried Adsorbed Nanolayer Glass Transition Temperature in Polymer Thin Films', Macromolecules, 49, 4647-4655 (2016).


  1. D. Cangialosi, A. Alegría, J. Colmenero 'Effect of nanostructuring on the thermal glass transition and physical aging in polymer materials', Progress in Polymer Science, 54-55, 128-147 (2016) Review article.


  1. R. D. Priestley, D. Cangialosi, S. Napolitano 'On the Equivalence Between the Thermodynamic and Dynamic Measurement of the Glass Transition in Confined Polymers', Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 575, 233-237 (2014).


  1. D. Cangialosi 'Dynamics and thermodynamics of polymer glasses', Journal of Physics Condensed Matter, 26, 153101 (2014)  Review article.


  1. V. M. Boucher, D. Cangialosi, A. Alegría, J. Colmenero 'Accounting for the thickness dependence of the Tg in supported PS ?lms via the volume holes diffusion model' Thermochimica Acta, 575, 233-237 (2014).


  1. D. Cangialosi, V. M. Boucher, A. Alegría, J. Colmenero 'Direct evidence of two equilibration mechanisms in glassy polymers', Physical Review Letters, 111, 095701 (2013).


  1. S. Napolitano, D. Cangialosi 'Mobility Interfacial free volume and vitrification: the reduction in Tg in proximity of an adsorbing interface explained by the Free Volume Holes Diffusion model', Macromolecules, 46, 8051?8053 (2013).


  1. H. Yin, D. Cangialosi, A. Schönhals 'Glass transition and segmental dynamics in thin supported polystyrene films: the role of molecular weight and annealing', Thermochimica Acta, 566, 186-192 (2013).


  1. D. Cangialosi, V. M. Boucher, A. Alegría, J. Colmenero 'Physical aging in polymers and polymer nanocomposites', Soft Matter, 9, 8619-8630 (2013), Review article.


  1. V. M. Boucher, D. Cangialosi, A. Alegría, J. Colmenero 'Volume recovery in polystyrene/silica nanocomposites', Journal of Polymer Science. Part B: Polymer Physics, 51(10), 847-853 (2013).


  1. C. Zhang, V. M. Boucher, D. Cangialosi, R. D. Priestley 'Mobility and Glass Transition Temperature of Polymer Nanospheres', Polymer, 54 (1), 230-235 (2013).


  1. K. Jeddi, N. T. Qazvini, D. Cangialosi, P. Chen 'Correlation between segmental dynamics, glass transition, and lithium ion conduction in poly(methyl methacrylate)/ionic liquid mixture', Journal of Macromolecular Science. Part B: Physics, 52 (4), 590-603 (2013).


  1. V. M. Boucher, D. Cangialosi, A. Alegría, J. Colmenero, 'Time dependence of the segmental relaxation time of poly(vinyl acetate)/silica nanocomposites', Physical Review E, 86 (4), 041501 (2012).


  1. V. M. Boucher, D. Cangialosi, A. Alegría, J. Colmenero 'Enthalpy recovery in nanometer to micrometer thick PS films', Macromolecules, 45 (12), 5296-5306 (2012).


  1. V. M. Boucher, D. Cangialosi, H. Yin, A. Schönhals, A. Alegría, J. Colmenero 'Tg depression and invariant segmental dynamics in polystyrene thin films', Soft Matter, 8 (19), 5119-5122 (2012).


  1. J.Bartoš, M.Iskrová, D.Cangialosi, A.Alegría, O.Šauša, H.Švajdlenková, A.Arbe, J.Krištiak, J.Colmenero, 'Positron annihilation and relaxation dynamics from dielectric spectroscopy and neutron scattering: poly(vinyl mehtyl ether)', Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 24 (15), 155104 (2012).


  1. D. Cangialosi, V. M. Boucher, A. Alegría, J. Colmenero, 'Enhanced physical aging of polymer/silica nanocomposites: the key role of the area to volume ratio', Polymer, 53 (6), 1362-1372 (2012).


  1. V. M. Boucher, D. Cangialosi, A. Alegría, J. Colmenero, 'Enthalpy Recovery of Glassy Polymers: Dramatic Deviations from the Extrapolated Liquidlike Behavior', Macromolecules, 44(20), 8333-8342 (2011).


  1. D. Cangialosi, V. M. Boucher, A. Alegría, J. Colmenero, 'Free volume holes diffusion to describe physical aging in PMMA/silica nanocomposites', Journal of Chemical Physics, 135, 1, 014901 (2011).


  1. V. M. Boucher, D. Cangialosi, A. Alegría, J. Colmenero, I. Pastoriza-Santos, L. M. Liz-Marzan, 'Physical aging of polystyrene/gold nanocomposites and its relation to the calorimetric Tg depression', Soft Matter, 7, 3607-3620 (2011).


  1. V. M. Boucher, D. Cangialosi, A. Alegría, J. Colmenero, J. González-Irun, L. M. Liz-Marzan, 'Physical aging in PMMA/silica nanocomposites: enthalpy and dielectric relaxation', Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 357, 605-609 (2011).


  1. V. M. Boucher, D. Cangialosi, A. Alegría, J. Colmenero, 'Enthalpy relaxation in PMMA/silica nanocomposites', Macromolecules, 43 (18), 7594-7603 (2010).


  1. V. M. Boucher, D. Cangialosi, A. Alegría, J. Colmenero, 'Effect of silica particles concentration on the physical aging of PMMA/silica nanocomposites', AIP Conference Proceedings, 1255, 172-174 (2010).


  1. V. M. Boucher, D. Cangialosi, A. Alegría, J. Colmenero, J. González-Irun, L. M. Liz-Marzan,, 'Physical aging in poly(methyl methacrylate)/silica nanocomposites', Soft Matter, 6 (14), 3306-3317 (2010).


  1. T. Scopigno, D. Cangialosi, G. Ruocco, 'Universal relation between viscous flow and fast dynamics in glass-forming materials', Physical Review B, 81 (10), 100202(R) (2010).


  1. D. Cangialosi, , A. Alegría, J. Colmenero, 'Dynamical heterogeneity in binary mixtures of low molecular weight glass formers', Physical Review E, 80 (4), 041505 (2009).


  1. D. Cangialosi, , A. Alegría, J. Colmenero, 'On the temperature dependence of the nonexponentiality in glass-forming liquids', Journal of Chemical Physics, 130 (12), 124902 (2009).


  1. D. Cangialosi, A. Alegría, J. Colmenero, 'Comment on "Vibrational and configurational parts of the specific heat at glass formation"', Physical Review B, 78 (17): 176301 (2008).


  1. D. Cangialosi, , A. Alegría, J. Colmenero, 'Self-concentration  and component dynamics of polychlorinated biphenyl/toluene mixture', Journal of Chemical Physics, 128 (22): 224508 (2008).


  1. D. Cangialosi, A. Alegría, J. Colmenero, 'Miscible polymer blends with large dynamical asymmetry: a new class of solid state electrolytes?', Macromolecules, 41 (4): 1565-1569 (2008).


  1. D. Cangialosi, A. Alegría, J. Colmenero, '"Self-concentration" effects on the dynamics of a polychlorinated biphenyl diluted in 1,4polybutadiene', Journal of Chemical Physics, 126 (20): 204904 (2007).


  1. D. Cangialosi, A. Alegría, J. Colmenero, 'Route to calculate the length scale for the glass transition in polymers', Physical Review E, 76 (1): 011514 (2007).


  1. D. Cangialosi, A. Alegría, J. Colmenero, 'Predicting the time-scale of the component dynamics of miscible polymer blends: the polyisoprene/poly(vinylethylene) case', Macromolecules, 39 (20): 7149-7156 (2006).


  1. G. A. Schwartz, D. Cangialosi, A. Alegría, J. Colmenero, 'Describing the component dynamics in miscible polymer blends: Towards a fully predictive model', Journal of Chemical Physics, 124 (15): 154904 (2006).


  1. D. Cangialosi, A. Alegría, J. Colmenero, 'Modeling the dynamics of head-to-head polypropylene in blends with polyisobutylene', Macromolecules, 39 (1): 448-450 (2006).


  1. D. Cangialosi, A. Alegría, J. Colmenero, 'A thermodynamic approach to the fragility of glass-forming polymers', Journal of Chemical Physics, 124 (1): 024906 (2006).


  1. O. van den Berg, W. F. Jager, D. Cangialosi, J. van Turnhout, P. J. T. Verheijen, M. Wübbenhorst, S. J. Picken, 'A wavelength shifting probe for investigating physical aging', Macromolecules, 39 (1): 224-231 (2006).


  1. D. Cangialosi, G. A. Schwartz, A. Alegría, J. Colmenero, 'Combining configurational entropy and self-concentration to describe the component dynamics in miscible polymer blends', Journal of Chemical Physics, 123 (14): 144908 (2005).


  1. D. Cangialosi, M. Wübbenhorst, J. Groenewold, E. Mendes, S. J. Picken, 'Diffusion mechanism for physical aging of polycarbonate far below the glass transition temperature studied by means of dielectric spectroscopy', Journal of non-Crystalline Solids, 351 (33-36): 2605-2610 (2005).


  1. D. Cangialosi, M. Wübbenhorst, H. Schut, A. van Veen, S. J. Picken, 'Relaxation of free volume in polycarbonate and polystyrene studied by positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy', Acta Physica Polonica A, 107 (4): 690 (2005).


  1. D. Cangialosi, A. Alegria, J. Colmenero, 'Relationship between dynamics and thermodynamics in glass-forming polymers', Europhysics Letters, 70 (5): 614-620 (2005).


  1. D. Cangialosi, M. Wübbenhorst, H. Schut, A. van Veen, S. J. Picken, 'Amorphous-amorphous transition in glassy polymers subjected to cold rolling studied by means of positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy', Journal of Chemical Physics, 122 (6): 064702 (2005).


  1. D. Cangialosi, M. Wübbenhorst, J. Groenewold, E. Mendes, H. Schut, A. van Veen, S. J. Picken, 'Physical aging of polycarbonate far below the glass transition temperature: evidence for the diffusion mechanism', Physical Review B, 70 (22), 224213 (2004).


  1. O. van den Berg, D. Cangialosi, W. F. Jager, A. van Veen, S. J. Picken, 'Physical ageing of amorphous polymers: A PALS and fluorescence spectroscopy study', Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 227 (357), U544-U544 (2004).


  1. O. van den Berg, W. F. Jager, D. Cangialosi, H. Donker, S. J. Picken, '7-Dimethylamino-1-methyl-quinolinium tetrafluoroborate; A reamarkably stable fluorescent probe for polymer characterizations', Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 227 (361), U545-U545 (2004).


  1. D. Cangialosi, M. Wübbenhorst, H. Schut, A. van Veen, S. J. Picken, 'Dynamics of polycarbonate far below the glass transition temperature: a positron annihilation lifetime study', Physical Review B, 69 (13): 134206 (2004).


  1. M. Garcia, J. Barsema, R. Escobar-Galindo, D. Cangialosi, J. Garcia-Turiel, W. E. Van Zyl, H. Verweij, D. H. A. Blank, 'Hybrid organic inorganic nylon 6/SiO2 nanocomposites: transport properties', Polymer Engineering and Science, 44 (7): 1240-1246 (2004).


  1. D. Cangialosi, M. Wübbenhorst, H. Schut, A. van Veen, S. J. Picken, 'Positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy to study the structural relaxation of PC far below the glass transition temperature', Materials Science Forum, 445-446: 271-273 (2004).


  1. D. Cangialosi, H. Schut, M. Wübbenhorst, J. Van Turnhout, A. Van Veen, 'Charge Accumulation in Polycarbonate Induced by Positron Irradiation', 11th International Symposium on Electrets (ISE11), 173-176 (2002).


  1. D. Cangialosi H. Schut, A. van Veen, S. J. Picken, 'Positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy (PALS) for measuring free volume during physical aging of polycarbonate', Macromolecules, 36 (1): 142-147 (2003).


  1. D. Cangialosi, H. Schut, M. Wübbenhorst, J. van Turnhout, A. van Veen, 'Accumulation of charges in polycarbonate due to positron irradiation', Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 68 (3-4): 507-510 (2003).


  1. A. Boersma, D. Cangialosi and S. J. Picken, 'Mobility and solubility of antioxidants and oxygen in glassy polymers III. influence of deformation and orientation on oxygen permeability', Polymer, 44 (8): 2463-2471 (2003).


  1. A. Boersma, D. Cangialosi and S. J. Picken, 'Mobility and solubility of antioxidants and oxygen in glassy polymers II. influence of physical ageing on antioxidant and oxygen mobility', Polymer Degradation and Stability, 79 (3): 427-438 (2003).


  1. G. Spadaro, C. Dispenza, P. T. McGrail, A. Valenza, D. Cangialosi, 'Submicron structured polymethyl methacrylate/acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber blends obtained via gamma radiation induced "in-situ" polymerization', Advances in Polymer Technology, 23 (3), 211-221 (2004).


  1. D. Cangialosi, P. Fuochi, M. Lavalle, P. T. McGrail, G. Emmerson, G. Spadaro, 'Electron beam induced polymerisation of MMA in the presence of rubber: a novel process to produce tough materials', Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 63 (1): 63-68 (2002).


  1. D. Cangialosi, P. T. McGrail, G. Emmerson, A. Valenza, E. Calderaro, G. Spadaro, 'Properties and morphology of PMMA/ABN blends obtained via MMA in situ polymerisation through gamma-rays', Nuclear Instruments and Methods B, 185 (1-4): 262-266 (2001).


  1. D. Cangialosi, C. Lindsay, P. T. McGrail, G. Spadaro, 'Study of methyl methacrylate polymerization in the presence of rubbers', European Polymer Journal, 37 (3): 535-539 (2001).