Home > Mateda2.0 > RunEDA.m







 RUNEDA:  Calls an EDA defined by the operators and parameters given by the
          user. A number of predefined operators (e.g. learning and sampling
          algorithms) have been implemented. 
 Different BN structure learning algorithms are used 
 PopSize: Population size
 n: Number of variables
 F: Name of the function that has as an argument a vector or NumbVar
 variables. For multivariate functions the output of F is a vector with
 the number_of_objectives values.
 cache: Is a vector that determines which structures of the EDA will be
        cache(1) = 1 : The whole population at each generation k will be saved in Cache{1,k};
        cache(2) = 1 : The selected population at each generation k will be saved in Cache{2,k};
        cache(3) = 1 : The probability model at each generation k will be  saved in Cache{3,k};    
        cache(4) = 1 : The evaluation of the Population at each generation k will be  saved in Cache{4,k};    
        cache(5) = 1 : The evaluation of the Population at each generation  k will be  saved in Cache{4,k};    
 edaparams: Array where each row includes three columns: 1) the 'type' of
 EDA operator method, 2) the 'name' of the EDA operator method, which is a
 matlab program defined by the user or could be one of the given implementations(see below) and 3) the
 parameters used by the implementation of the method.
 e.g. edaparams{1}(1) = 'sampling_method'; edaparams{1}(2) = 'PLS'; edaparams{1}(3) = {1000};
      edaparams{2}(1) = 'selection_method; edaparams{2}(2) = 'truncation_selection';   edaparams{2}(3) = {0.15};
 edaparams can appear in any order and there are a number of default of default values for all the operators (see below)

 The following are the different types of operators, given implementations and parameters. They are displayed

 type_of_method(fixed parameters, user defined parameters (method_params))

                       seeding_pop_method keeps the name of the matlab program that  implements the seeding
                       procedure.   seeding_pop_method = 'RandomInit'(default) corresponds to random initialization
                       Current implementations include:
                       'seeding_unitation_constraint': Generates a population of binary vectors  where all vectors have the same number of ones
 seeding_pop_params:   Depends on seeding method defined by the user. For seeding_pop_method='seeding_unitation_constraint',  seeding_pop_params{1}
                       = Number of ones in each solution
                         Sampling methods implemented: 
                         'SampleBN': Samples a BN of discrete variables using probabilistic logic sampling (PLS) 
                         'MOAGeneratePopulation': Samples a Markov network  using Gibbs Sampling
                         'SampleFDA': Samples a population of individuals from a factorized model using PLS
                         'SampleGaussianUnivModel': Samples a univariate Gaussian model
 sampling_params:     sampling_params{1} = NewPopSize: Number of
                         sampled individuals. By default sambpling_params{1} = PopSize, but it
                         may change according to the replacement strategy.
                         Additional params might be required by each sampling algorithm
                         Implements a repairing procedure. The whole population is received and all or some of the
                         individuals are repaired
 repairing_params:     Those needed to implement the repairing procedure
                         Implements a given local optimization procedure. The whole population is received and all or some of the
                         individuals are optimized. The algorithm outputs
                         the optimized population, with the new fitness values and number of evaluations done in the local
 local_opt_params:     Those needed to implement the repairing procedure
                         Allows the implementation of replacement method that creates a  new population from a set of three other
                         populations (Current Pop, Sampled Pop, and Selected Pop)
                         Current implementation includes replacement_method = {'elitism','best_elitism','pop_agregation'}
                          'elitism' adds the k best individuals of the previous population to the current pop. 
                          'best_elitism' joins the selected individuals with the sampled individuals to form the next population.
                         in this case, it should be enforced that SampledPopSize = PopSize - SelPopSize
                         'pop_aggregation' joins the current population with the new and select the best PopSize
                         individuals as the new population.
                         replacement_method = 'none' for Pop = NewPop.
  replacement_params:     Depends on implementation. For replacement_metho
                         For 'elitism': replacement_params{1} = k: number of elistist solutions
                         and replacement_params{2} = find_bestids_method: method that implements a criterion to select the
                         best individuals from a population. This is an important  user-defined method. Currently
                         find_bestids_method = 'fitness_ordering' which take into account fitness ordering (see help
                         'fitness_ordering' for details.
                         For 'pop_agregation': replacement_params{1} = find_bestids_method.
 selection_method(Pop,FunVal,selection_params):   'selection_method' name of the matlab program selection method. Current   implementations include: 
                     'truncation_selection' (default), 'prop_selection' and 'exp_selection'
 selection_params:    depends on the user implemented selection method  
                      (e.g) selection_params{1}  =     T: Truncation parameter T \in (0,1) for truncation selection 
                        'LearnBN': Bayesian network learning algorithms (see Help of the method for learning parameters)
                        'LearnMOAModel': Markov network learning algorithms (see Help of the method for learning parameters)
 statistics_method(k,Pop,FunVal,time_operations,number_evaluations,AllStat ,statistics_params):
                         Implements the computation of the statistics about the EDA behavior. 
                         The statistics are stored in AllStat which may be used later for displaying information.
                         Currently implemented is the method:  'simple_pop_statistics'
 statistics_params:      Use for passing information necessary in the
                         computation of the statistics (see 'simple_pop_statistics' for an  example)
                          Defines the program used to display information about the EDA during the evolution
                          Currently implemented is 'simple_verbose' which prints a number of statistics 
                          (depending on verbose_params) about generation k of the EDA
                         Implements the stop conditions of the algorithm. By default, the algorithm
                         stops when reaching a maximum number of generations (1000). This is
                         stop_cond_method = 'max_gen'. Current implementations include stop_cond_method =
                         'maxgen_maxval' which stops either when a maximum number of iterations has been reached or give
                         value of the function has been reached stop_cond_params{1} = 1000; 
                         NOTE: the parameters currentPop and currentFunValallow the implementation of stop cond. methods
                         based on the homogeneity of the population
 stop_cond_params:       Depend on the stop_cond_method. For
                         stop_cond_method = {'max_gen','maxgen_maxval'} stop_cond_params{1} = CantGen: Maximum number of generations 
                         stop_cond_method = 'maxgen_maxval', stop_cond_params{2} = MaximumFunction:  Maximum of the function that can be used as stop
                         condition when it is known 
 AllStat:             Array containing the statistics of the populations.
                      It is updated by the method
                      AllStat{k,1}= matrix of 7 rows and number_objectives
                      columns. Each row shows information about
                      max,mean,median,min, and variance values of the
                      corresponding objective in the current population
                      AllStat{k,2}= Stores the best individual
                      AllStat{k,3}= Number of different individuals
                      AllStat{k,4}= matrix of 5 rows and n
                      columns. Each row shows information about
                      max,mean,median,min, and variance values of the
                      corresponding variable in the current population
                      AllStat{k,5} =  Vector with the number of evaluations in each generation
                      AllStat{k,6} = Matrix with the time in seconds spent at the main
                      EDA steps, each of the 8 column stores the times for the
                      following steps {sampling,repairing, evaluation,local optimization, ,replacement, selection,learning and
                      total (which consider the time by the previous 7 and
                      other EDA operations

 Last version 8/26/2008. Roberto Santana (roberto.santana@ehu.es)


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function[AllStat,Cache]=RunEDA(PopSize,n,F,Card,cache,edaparams) 
0002 % [AllStat,Cache]=RunEDA(PopSize,n,F,Card,cache,edaparams)
0003 % RUNEDA:  Calls an EDA defined by the operators and parameters given by the
0004 %          user. A number of predefined operators (e.g. learning and sampling
0005 %          algorithms) have been implemented.
0006 % Different BN structure learning algorithms are used
0007 % INPUTS
0008 % PopSize: Population size
0009 % n: Number of variables
0010 % F: Name of the function that has as an argument a vector or NumbVar
0011 % variables. For multivariate functions the output of F is a vector with
0012 % the number_of_objectives values.
0013 % cache: Is a vector that determines which structures of the EDA will be
0014 %        stored.
0015 %        cache(1) = 1 : The whole population at each generation k will be saved in Cache{1,k};
0016 %        cache(2) = 1 : The selected population at each generation k will be saved in Cache{2,k};
0017 %        cache(3) = 1 : The probability model at each generation k will be  saved in Cache{3,k};
0018 %        cache(4) = 1 : The evaluation of the Population at each generation k will be  saved in Cache{4,k};
0019 %        cache(5) = 1 : The evaluation of the Population at each generation  k will be  saved in Cache{4,k};
0020 % edaparams: Array where each row includes three columns: 1) the 'type' of
0021 % EDA operator method, 2) the 'name' of the EDA operator method, which is a
0022 % matlab program defined by the user or could be one of the given implementations(see below) and 3) the
0023 % parameters used by the implementation of the method.
0024 % e.g. edaparams{1}(1) = 'sampling_method'; edaparams{1}(2) = 'PLS'; edaparams{1}(3) = {1000};
0025 %      edaparams{2}(1) = 'selection_method; edaparams{2}(2) = 'truncation_selection';   edaparams{2}(3) = {0.15};
0026 % edaparams can appear in any order and there are a number of default of default values for all the operators (see below)
0027 %
0028 % The following are the different types of operators, given implementations and parameters. They are displayed
0029 %
0030 % type_of_method(fixed parameters, user defined parameters (method_params))
0031 %
0032 % seeding_pop_method(n,PopSize,Card,seeding_pop_params):
0033 %                       seeding_pop_method keeps the name of the matlab program that  implements the seeding
0034 %                       procedure.   seeding_pop_method = 'RandomInit'(default) corresponds to random initialization
0035 %                       Current implementations include:
0036 %                       'seeding_unitation_constraint': Generates a population of binary vectors  where all vectors have the same number of ones
0037 % seeding_pop_params:   Depends on seeding method defined by the user. For seeding_pop_method='seeding_unitation_constraint',  seeding_pop_params{1}
0038 %                       = Number of ones in each solution
0039 % sampling_method(n,PopSize,model,SelPop,SelFunVal,Card,sampling_params):
0040 %                         Sampling methods implemented:
0041 %                         'SampleBN': Samples a BN of discrete variables using probabilistic logic sampling (PLS)
0042 %                         'MOAGeneratePopulation': Samples a Markov network  using Gibbs Sampling
0043 %                         'SampleFDA': Samples a population of individuals from a factorized model using PLS
0044 %                         'SampleGaussianUnivModel': Samples a univariate Gaussian model
0045 % sampling_params:     sampling_params{1} = NewPopSize: Number of
0046 %                         sampled individuals. By default sambpling_params{1} = PopSize, but it
0047 %                         may change according to the replacement strategy.
0048 %                         Additional params might be required by each sampling algorithm
0049 % repairing_method(Pop,Card,reparing_params):
0050 %                         Implements a repairing procedure. The whole population is received and all or some of the
0051 %                         individuals are repaired
0052 % repairing_params:     Those needed to implement the repairing procedure
0053 % local_opt_method(Pop,FunVal,local_opt_params):
0054 %                         Implements a given local optimization procedure. The whole population is received and all or some of the
0055 %                         individuals are optimized. The algorithm outputs
0056 %                         the optimized population, with the new fitness values and number of evaluations done in the local
0057 %                         optimization.
0058 % local_opt_params:     Those needed to implement the repairing procedure
0059 % replacement_method(Pop,SelPop,NewPop,FunVal,SelFunVal,NewPopFunVal,replacement_params)
0060 %                         Allows the implementation of replacement method that creates a  new population from a set of three other
0061 %                         populations (Current Pop, Sampled Pop, and Selected Pop)
0062 %                         Current implementation includes replacement_method = {'elitism','best_elitism','pop_agregation'}
0063 %                          'elitism' adds the k best individuals of the previous population to the current pop.
0064 %                          'best_elitism' joins the selected individuals with the sampled individuals to form the next population.
0065 %                         in this case, it should be enforced that SampledPopSize = PopSize - SelPopSize
0066 %                         'pop_aggregation' joins the current population with the new and select the best PopSize
0067 %                         individuals as the new population.
0068 %                         replacement_method = 'none' for Pop = NewPop.
0069 %  replacement_params:     Depends on implementation. For replacement_metho
0070 %                         For 'elitism': replacement_params{1} = k: number of elistist solutions
0071 %                         and replacement_params{2} = find_bestids_method: method that implements a criterion to select the
0072 %                         best individuals from a population. This is an important  user-defined method. Currently
0073 %                         find_bestids_method = 'fitness_ordering' which take into account fitness ordering (see help
0074 %                         'fitness_ordering' for details.
0075 %                         For 'pop_agregation': replacement_params{1} = find_bestids_method.
0076 % selection_method(Pop,FunVal,selection_params):   'selection_method' name of the matlab program selection method. Current   implementations include:
0077 %                     'truncation_selection' (default), 'prop_selection' and 'exp_selection'
0078 % selection_params:    depends on the user implemented selection method
0079 %                      (e.g) selection_params{1}  =     T: Truncation parameter T \in (0,1) for truncation selection
0080 % learning_method(k,n,Card,SelPop,SelFunVal,learning_params):
0081 %                        'LearnBN': Bayesian network learning algorithms (see Help of the method for learning parameters)
0082 %                        'LearnMOAModel': Markov network learning algorithms (see Help of the method for learning parameters)
0083 %
0084 % statistics_method(k,Pop,FunVal,time_operations,number_evaluations,AllStat ,statistics_params):
0085 %                         Implements the computation of the statistics about the EDA behavior.
0086 %                         The statistics are stored in AllStat which may be used later for displaying information.
0087 %                         Currently implemented is the method:  'simple_pop_statistics'
0088 % statistics_params:      Use for passing information necessary in the
0089 %                         computation of the statistics (see 'simple_pop_statistics' for an  example)
0090 % verbose_method(k,AllStat,verbose_params):
0091 %                          Defines the program used to display information about the EDA during the evolution
0092 %                          Currently implemented is 'simple_verbose' which prints a number of statistics
0093 %                          (depending on verbose_params) about generation k of the EDA
0094 % verbose_params:
0095 % stop_cond_method(currentgen,currentPop,currentFunVal,stop_cond_params):
0096 %                         Implements the stop conditions of the algorithm. By default, the algorithm
0097 %                         stops when reaching a maximum number of generations (1000). This is
0098 %                         stop_cond_method = 'max_gen'. Current implementations include stop_cond_method =
0099 %                         'maxgen_maxval' which stops either when a maximum number of iterations has been reached or give
0100 %                         value of the function has been reached stop_cond_params{1} = 1000;
0101 %                         NOTE: the parameters currentPop and currentFunValallow the implementation of stop cond. methods
0102 %                         based on the homogeneity of the population
0103 % stop_cond_params:       Depend on the stop_cond_method. For
0104 %                         stop_cond_method = {'max_gen','maxgen_maxval'} stop_cond_params{1} = CantGen: Maximum number of generations
0105 %                         stop_cond_method = 'maxgen_maxval', stop_cond_params{2} = MaximumFunction:  Maximum of the function that can be used as stop
0106 %                         condition when it is known
0107 % OUTPUTS
0108 % AllStat:             Array containing the statistics of the populations.
0109 %                      It is updated by the method
0110 %                      AllStat{k,1}= matrix of 7 rows and number_objectives
0111 %                      columns. Each row shows information about
0112 %                      max,mean,median,min, and variance values of the
0113 %                      corresponding objective in the current population
0114 %                      AllStat{k,2}= Stores the best individual
0115 %                      AllStat{k,3}= Number of different individuals
0116 %                      AllStat{k,4}= matrix of 5 rows and n
0117 %                      columns. Each row shows information about
0118 %                      max,mean,median,min, and variance values of the
0119 %                      corresponding variable in the current population
0120 %                      AllStat{k,5} =  Vector with the number of evaluations in each generation
0121 %                      AllStat{k,6} = Matrix with the time in seconds spent at the main
0122 %                      EDA steps, each of the 8 column stores the times for the
0123 %                      following steps {sampling,repairing, evaluation,local optimization, ,replacement, selection,learning and
0124 %                      total (which consider the time by the previous 7 and
0125 %                      other EDA operations
0126 %
0127 % number_evaluations(1:k):
0128 % Cache:
0129 %
0130 % Last version 8/26/2008. Roberto Santana (roberto.santana@ehu.es)
0133 % Default operators and parameters
0135 seeding_pop_method = 'RandomInit';
0136 seeding_pop_params = [];
0137 sampling_method = 'SampleBN';
0138 sampling_params{1}(1) = {PopSize};
0139 repairing_method  = 'none';
0140 repairing_params  = [];
0141 local_opt_method  = 'none';
0142 local_opt_params  = [];
0143 replacement_method = 'best_elitism';
0144 replacement_params{1,1} = 'fitness_ordering';
0145 selection_method =   'truncation_selection';
0146 selection_params{1}(1) = {0.5};
0147 selection_params{1}(2)=  {'fitness_ordering'};
0148 learning_method = 'LearnBN';
0149 learning_params{1,1} = {'tree'};
0150 learning_params{1}(2) = {10};
0151 learning_params{1}(3) = {0.05};
0152 learning_params{1}(4) = {'pearson'};
0153 learning_params{1}(5) = {'bic'};
0154 learning_params{1}(6) = {'no'};
0155 statistics_method =  'simple_pop_statistics';
0156 statistics_params{1}(1)=  {'fitness_ordering'};
0157 verbose_method = 'simple_verbose';
0158 verbose_params{1,1} = [];
0159 stop_cond_method =   'max_gen';
0160 stop_cond_params{1}(1) = {50}; % Number of generations
0161 Cache = {};
0163 nparams = size(edaparams,2);
0165         for i = 1:nparams
0166             auxstr = char(cellstr(edaparams{i}(1)));
0167             auxstr2 = char(cellstr(edaparams{i}(2)));
0170           switch auxstr
0171             case 'seeding_pop_method', seeding_pop_method = auxstr2;, seeding_pop_params = edaparams{i}(3);
0172             case 'sampling_method', sampling_method = auxstr2;, sampling_params = edaparams{i}(3); 
0173             case 'repairing_method',   repairing_method  = auxstr2;, repairing_params = edaparams{i}(3);
0174             case 'local_opt_method',   local_opt_method  = auxstr2;, local_opt_params = edaparams{i}(3);
0175             case 'replacement_method', replacement_method = auxstr2;, replacement_params = edaparams{i}(3);
0176             case 'selection_method',   selection_method = auxstr2;, selection_params = edaparams{i}(3);
0177             case 'learning_method', learning_method = auxstr2;, learning_params = edaparams{i}(3); 
0178             case 'statistics_method',  statistics_method  = auxstr2;, statistics_params = edaparams{i}(3);
0179             case 'verbose_method',     verbose_method  = auxstr2;,    verbose_params = edaparams{i}(3);
0180             case 'stop_cond_method',   stop_cond_method  = auxstr2;,  stop_cond_params = edaparams{i}(3);           
0181             end;
0182         end;
0184 auxedaparams{1,:} = {PopSize,n,F,Card};    
0185 auxedaparams{2,:} = {'seeding_pop_method', seeding_pop_method, seeding_pop_params};
0186 auxedaparams{3,:} = {'sampling_method', sampling_method, sampling_params}; 
0187 auxedaparams{4,:} = { 'repairing_method',   repairing_method , repairing_params };
0188 auxedaparams{5,:} = { 'local_opt_method',   local_opt_method , local_opt_params };
0189 auxedaparams{6,:} = { 'replacement_method', replacement_method , replacement_params };
0190 auxedaparams{7,:} = { 'selection_method',   selection_method , selection_params};
0191 auxedaparams{8,:} = { 'learning_method', learning_method , learning_params}; 
0192 auxedaparams{9,:} = { 'statistics_method',  statistics_method  , statistics_params};
0193 auxedaparams{10,:} = { 'verbose_method',     verbose_method,    verbose_params };
0194 auxedaparams{11,:} = { 'stop_cond_method',   stop_cond_method  ,  stop_cond_params };
0197 continue_evolution = 1;
0198 k = 1;
0199 AllStat = {};
0200 number_objectives = size(F,1);
0201 NewPopSize = cell2num(sampling_params{1}(1));
0202 CantGen = cell2num(stop_cond_params{1}(1));
0204 previous_t = cputime;
0206 while(continue_evolution==1)
0208  t = cputime;    
0209    if(k==1)
0210      % Initialization of the population .
0211      % Random by default. Alternatively, seeding procedure seeding_pop_method.
0212         Pop = eval([seeding_pop_method,'(n,PopSize,Card,seeding_pop_params)']);   
0213    else     
0214        % The new population is sampled from the learned model
0215         NewPop  = eval([sampling_method,'(n,model,Card,SelPop,SelFunVal,sampling_params)']);        
0216    end
0218   time_operations(k,1) = cputime-t;   % Time spent in sampling
0221   t = cputime; 
0223   if(~strcmp(repairing_method,'none') == 1)    
0224    if(k==1)
0225      [Pop] =  eval([repairing_method,'(Pop,Card,repairing_params)']); % Repairing method is applied
0226    else
0227      [NewPop] =  eval([repairing_method,'(NewPop,Card,repairing_params)']); % Repairing method is applied
0228    end
0229   end
0231  time_operations(k,2) = cputime-t;   % Time spent in repairing
0234  t = cputime;    
0235      % The sampled population is evaluated
0237      if k==1
0238        for i=1:PopSize,
0239            FunVal(i,:) = feval(F,Pop(i,:));  
0240        end
0241        number_evaluations(k) = PopSize ;
0242        % FunVal'
0243      else
0244       for i=1:NewPopSize,
0245            NewPopFunVal(i,:) = feval(F,NewPop(i,:));  
0246       end
0247       number_evaluations(k) = number_evaluations(k-1) + NewPopSize ;
0248       % NewPopFunVal'
0249      end
0251   time_operations(k,3) = cputime-t;   % Time spent in evaluation
0254   t = cputime; 
0256   if(~strcmp(local_opt_method,'none') == 1)  % Local optimization method is applied
0257    if k==1   
0258      [Pop,FunVal,NumbEvals] =  eval([local_opt_method,'(k,Pop,FunVal,local_opt_params)']); 
0259      number_evaluations(k) = number_evaluations(k) + NumbEvals;
0260      %aux = FunVal'
0261    else
0262      [NewPop,NewPopFunVal,NumbEvals] =  eval([local_opt_method,'(k,NewPop,NewPopFunVal,local_opt_params)']); 
0263      number_evaluations(k) = number_evaluations(k) + NumbEvals;
0264      % aux = NewPopFunVal'
0265    end
0266   end
0268  time_operations(k,4) = cputime-t;   % Time spent in local optimization
0271      t = cputime;  
0272      if k>1           % In the first generation, the generated population is just the current population
0273                       % Replacement algorithm (e.g. elitism). The new population is formed using the previous population, the
0274                       % selected population and the sampled population.
0275        if(strcmp(replacement_method,'none') == 1)
0276           Pop = NewPop;                               % By default, the new population in the one just generated
0277           FunVal = NewPopFunVal;
0278        else                                          % Alternatively another
0279          [Pop,FunVal]  = eval([replacement_method,'(Pop,SelPop,NewPop,FunVal,SelFunVal,NewPopFunVal,replacement_params)']); 
0281        end       
0282      end
0286      if (cache(1)==1)
0287        Cache{1,k} = Pop;
0288      end
0289      if (cache(4)==1)
0290        Cache{4,k} = FunVal;
0291      end
0293     time_operations(k,5) = cputime-t;   % Time spent in replacement
0296   t = cputime;       
0298       % Selection is applied
0299          [SelPop,SelFunVal]  = eval([selection_method,'(Pop,FunVal,selection_params)']);
0300      if (cache(2)==1)
0301        Cache{2,k} = SelPop;
0302      end
0303      if (cache(5)==1)
0304        Cache{5,k} = SelFunVal;
0305      end
0307   time_operations(k,6) = cputime-t;   % Time spent in selection
0310   t = cputime;          
0311       % The model is learned using one of the predefined learning algorithms
0313           [model] = eval([learning_method,'(k,n,Card,SelPop,SelFunVal,learning_params)']);
0314      if (cache(3)==1)
0315        Cache{3,k} = model;
0316      end
0318   time_operations(k,7) = cputime-t;   % Time spent in learning
0322      if(strcmp(stop_cond_method,'max_gen') == 1)  % Default stop condition: maximum number of generations
0323         continue_evolution = (k<CantGen);
0324      else                                         % Alternatively, a given stop condition method that uses current
0325                                                   % information about the EDA evolution plus external inf. (e.g.
0326                                                   % known maximum value)
0327       continue_evolution = eval([stop_cond_method,'(k,Pop,FunVal,stop_cond_params)']);
0328      end
0331     time_operations(k,8) = cputime - previous_t;  % Time spent in the whole generation
0332     previous_t = cputime;
0333     % Statistics are computed
0334     [AllStat] = eval([statistics_method,'(k,Pop,FunVal,time_operations,number_evaluations,AllStat,statistics_params)']);
0337     if(strcmp(verbose_method,'none') ~= 1)  %  Statistics information about the run is printed
0338       eval([verbose_method,'(k,AllStat,verbose_params,auxedaparams)']);
0339     end  
0341      k=k+1;
0342 end
0345 return

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