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EXAMPLE 18: Tree-FDA for the HP protein model (The tree structure is


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 EXAMPLE 18:  Tree-FDA for the HP protein model (The tree structure is
 learned from the mutual information applying a threshold on the minimum
 MI value to consider a dependence. Therefore the learned structure
 actually corresponds to a forest.


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001  % EXAMPLE 18:  Tree-FDA for the HP protein model (The tree structure is
0002  % learned from the mutual information applying a threshold on the minimum
0003  % MI value to consider a dependence. Therefore the learned structure
0004  % actually corresponds to a forest.
0006  global HPInitConf;   % This is the HP protein instance, defined as a sequence of zeros and ones
0007  HPInitConf =  [zeros(1,12),1,0,1,0,1,1,0,0,1,1,0,0,1,1,0,1,1,0,0,1,1,0,0,1,1,0,1,1,0,0,1,1,0,0,1,1,0,1,0,1,zeros(1,12)]; 
0008  % The number of variables is equal to the sequence length and each
0009  % variables takes values in {0,1,2}
0010  PopSize = 1000; NumbVar = size(HPInitConf,2); cache  = [1,1,1,1,1]; Card = 3*ones(1,NumbVar);   maxgen = 300;
0011  % The Markov chain model(Cliques) is constructed specifying the number of
0012  % conditioned (previous) variables. In the example below this number is
0013  % 1., i.e. p(x) = p(x0)p(x1|x0) ... p(xn|xn-1)
0015  F = 'EvaluateEnergy'; % HP protein evaluation function
0016  edaparams{1} = {'learning_method','LearnTreeModel',{}};
0017  edaparams{2} = {'sampling_method','SampleFDA',{PopSize}};
0018  edaparams{3} = {'repairing_method','HP_repairing',{}}; % Repairing method used to guarantee that
0019                                                         % solutions do not self-intersect
0020  edaparams{4} = {'stop_cond_method','max_gen',{maxgen}};
0021  [AllStat,Cache]=RunEDA(PopSize,NumbVar,F,Card,cache,edaparams) 
0023  % To draw the resulting solution use function PrintProtein(vector),
0024  % where vector is the best solution found.
0025  vector = AllStat{maxgen,2}
0026  PrintProtein(vector)

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