Thermally Stimulated Depolarization Current

     In a strict sense, this time domain technique does not belong to the dielectric spectrometer familly since the experiment (see below) is performed at equivalemt fix frequency during continuous temperature variation. However, under certain conditions, this method allows to access the temperature dependence of the dielectric relaxation time in the range 1 - 1e6 s. (see an example below)


By means of this technique on access the dielectric relaxation of a sample, previously polarized, subjected to a continuous temperature increasing. The equivalent frequency of such an experiment is of the order of the heating rate used. 

Electrometer: Keithley 6517A

  • Response time: ~0.1 s

  • Sensitivity better than ~1e-16 A

  • Voltage range: ±1000 V

  • Intensity: 0 -20 mA

Temperature Control: Nitrogen-jet stream Quatro Cryosystem Novocontrol

  • Temperature range: 100 - 600 K

  • Temperature stability better than ± 0.01 K

  • Temperature ramp 0.1 - 10 K/min

Samples: Solids (typically a film) and Liquids

  • A parallel plate capacitor of about 20 mm diameter and 0.1 mm thickness, formed with the sample by using two gold-plated electrodes, is located inside the cryofurnace.




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