Endika Bengoetxea

Date of Birth: 23rd January 1971
Phone: + 34 943 01.80.58
Fax: + 34 943 01.55.90
E-mail: endika@ehu.eus
URL: http://www.sc.ehu.es/endika
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/endikab/

Professional Experience

Membership of advisory and other boards

since 2009: European Union institutions; European Commission

  • Positions:
    Since 2018: Research Programme Manager, Coordinator of the PE6 Panel (Computer Science and Informatics), Scientific Department, European Research Council.
    2017: Head of Sector Human Resources (acting), Research Executive Agency, European Commission.
    2015-2018: Head of Training and Development, Human Resources, Research Executive Agency, European Commission.
    2013-2014: Deputy Head of Unit Partnerships Management - European Institute of Innovation and Technology.
    : Senior Education officer, Partnerships Management Unit - European Institute of Innovation and Technology.
    2009-2012: Higher Education policy officer and Erasmus programme manager, Unit C1 - Erasmus & Higher Education, DG Education and Culture, European Commission.
  • Main duties:
    • Project leader of the definition and and deployment of the REA competency framework - Research Executive Agency.
    • Career Development: Design of a job shadowing framework and its implementation in the agency - Research Executive Agency.
    • Career Guidance Officer - Research Executive Agency.

    • Chair of the EIT Working Group for Monitoring Strategy, in charge of defining EIT's multiannual monitoring strategy and the definition of EIT's institutional impact model.
    • Team leader of teams cross-KIC agendas (in charge of the agendas of education, innovation and entrepreneurship) and Continuous Monitoring (in charge of  the monitoring of KIC grants and activities)
    • Responsible for the education agenda of the EIT and its Knowledge Innovation Communities (KIC)

    Erasmus Desk Officer for United Kingdom, Luxembourg and Cyprus.
    • Coordinator of Erasmus Centralised Actions, responsible for Curriculum Development and Modernisation of Higher Education Actions.
    • Higher education policy on higher education transparency tools: quality assurance, rankings....
    • Third cycle aspects of curricular development in the context of the Bologna process.
    • Link of the Erasmus programme with Higher Education policies, Erasmus Mundus, Marie Curie, and DG Research programmes and policies.

1996-2009: University of the Basque Country

  • Position: Professor at the Computer Engineering Faculty at San Sebastian, Department of Computer Architecture and Technology, University of the Basque Country.
  • Main duties:
    Director for Campus Development, Vicerrectorate of Gipuzkoa. University of the Basque Country (2004-2009).
    Academic Secretary of the Computer Engineering Faculty of the University of the Basque Country (2001-2003).
    Erasmus Coordinator of the Computer Engineering Faculty of the University of the Basque Country (1998-2003).
    • Lecturer of the following subjects: Operating Systems and Computer Networks.

    2001,1997: Course Leader of two international IntensiveProgramme courses organised for more than 24 Erasmus students, Co-ordination of several Universities from Europe (Spain,United Kingdom, Portugal, France). Subjects: Business on the Internet and e-Commence.
    1998: Responsible for the Coordination of an Intensive Program organised at the University of Salamanca (Spain) for about 20 Erasmus students. Subject: Colaborative working.
    1996: Teacher of Visual Basic courses on continuous training for ICT professionals.
    • Subjects: Visual programming, visual methodology, interaction of VB programs with different types of databases.
    • Courses organised by the University of the Basque Country and funded by the Basque Government.

1994-1996: Serinor & Kutxa bank

  • Position: Programmer and Analyst-programmer of an application in Visual Basic and MS Access for the Kutxa Bank.
  • Main duties:
    •Creation of an application in NSDK (a programming language similar to Visual Basic that runs both on OS/2 and Windows) for a Spanish Bank Company (Kutxa).
    • The task included connecting a SQL Server database on a PC to an IBM mainframe's corporative DB2 database.
    • Analyst-programmer's job since the end of 1995.

2002: PhD in Image and Signal Processing - 'Très Honorable' mark awarded.
            Department of Image and Signal Treatment, Ecole Nationale Superieure des Telécommunications (ENST), Paris (FR).

PhD Thesis Title: Inexact Graph Matching Using Estimation of Distribution Algorithms.
PhD Thesis Viva: 19th December 2002.
more information about my PhD

1999  MSc in Medical Imaging - 16 CAS mark awarded.
            Department of Bio-medical Physics & Bio-Engineering, University  of Aberdeen, Scotland (UK).

Deeper Studies: MRI, Radiotherapy, Nuclear Medicine.
MSc Project: Use of PET in Radiotherapy.

1994  BSc (Hons) Computer Studies - 2.i. awarded June 1994.
          Department of Computer Science, University of Brighton, England (UK).

Final Year Subjects: Databases, Computer Graphics, VLSI design.
Final Year Dissertation: Possible use of Research in Genetics to improve Artificial Intelligence and Computer Engineering.
Final Year Project: Design and implementation of an Ethernet controller Board for IBM PC AT and compatible computers.

1994  Licenciado/Ingeniero en Informática - Informatikan lizentziatua/Ingeniaria
          Computer Engineering Faculty, University of the Basque Country - Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (ES).

*  Awarded prize by the Kutxa bank for best all round performance.
*  Received certificate of acknowledgement from the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science in recognition of academic excellence.
Obtained 6 honour levels in different subjects.


Member of the Intelligent Systems Group ( http://www.sc.ehu.es/isg ) at the Computer Engineering Faculty, University of the Basque Country, Spain.

I mainly worked in developing optimization algorithms based on the learning and simulation of Bayesian and Gaussian networks, inexact graph matching, and evolutionary computation techniques.

Current research interests also include application of these techniques to Medical Imaging, and Bioinformatics.

Experience as academic expert at the European Commission & other international institutions
Organisation & participation in conferences on education and the European Higher Education Area
Teaching assignments (at the Computer Engineering Faculty)
Long duration stays abroad



  • E. Bengoetxea Castro, C. Díaz García.
    Chapter 5 - Bases tecnológicas de la Medicina Nuclear (2): La imagen digital y el ordenador.
    In Técnicas de Exploración en Medicina Nuclear.
    César Díaz García and Javier de Haro del Moral (eds.) Editorial Masson. pp 97-116.

 Higher Education Policy & International Cooperation:


  • E. Bengoetxea (2013). Clustering Innovation and Industry: New Opportunities for Europe.
    IIE Networker Magazine, Fall 2013:26, Institute of International Education | New York.
  • E. Bengoetxea, G. Buela-Casal (2013). The new multidimensional and user-driven higher education ranking concept of the European Union.
    International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology, 13:67-73



  • E. Bengoetxea (2011). Chapter 1: Quality Assurance in Higher Education Lifelong Learning: Objectives
    and challenges on the European Union. In Quality Assurance in Lifelong Learning, ENQA Worshop report series number 18. European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ed.).
    ISBN: 978-952-5539-60-8.
  • N. Stockwell, E. Bengoetxea, C. Tauch (2011). The European Higher Education Area and the promotion of academic cooperation and mobility with Mexico. Perfiles Educativos 33(133):198-205. ISSN 0185-2698 (In Spanish).
  • E. Bengoetxea (2011). Statistical Analysis of Erasmus Student Mobility Patterns in Europe.
    Proceedings of the 4th International Conference for Theory and Practice in Education, Association of Educational Sciences. Budapest, Hungary.


  • E. Bengoetxea, J. Arteaga eds. (2009)
    Metodologías para la Evaluación de la Calidad y el Diseño de Titulaciones Interuniversitarias Oficiales (in Spanish).
    University of the Basque Country 2009. ISBN: 978-84-986-0307-1
    Project EA2008-0218 of the National Programme for Studies & Analysis, DG of Universities, Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation.
  • E. Bengoetxea and J. Arteaga (2009). The evaluation of International Postgraduate degrees on the European Union. Good practice examples of European programmes. Revista de Universidad y Sociedad del Conocimiento (RUSC)- ISSN:1698-580X, Monographic issue on"Evaluación de la calidad de la educación superior", 6(2):60-68.


  • E. Bengoetxea.
    El programa Erasmus Mundus de la UE: criterios y proceso de evaluación
    Proceedings of the X ANECA Forum. Aneca (Spanish official agency for accreditation and evaluation of higher education). Madrid, Spain, 2008. ISBN: 978-84-9860-307-1
  • E. Bengoetxea.
    Collaboration between institutions. Networking on European education and research projects
    Invited talk on the Euro-SummIT International Conference 2008
    Technical University of Valencia. Valencia, Spain, 29-30 April 2008.
  • E. Bengoetxea, J. Arteaga.
    International Dual Degrees to Promote Mutual Understanding and Intercultural Mobility in Higher Education
    Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Higher Education: New Challenges and Emerging Roles for Human and Social Development.
    Global University Network For Innovation.
    Barcelona, Spain.
  • J. Arteaga, E. Bengoetxea.
    Collaboration in Chapter 4: International Office Functions - Section 4.9 "Evaluation process of European Programmes of the EU". In Guide of Good Practices Management of an International Relations Office, pages: 142-152. Arteaga et al. Eds. ISBN: 978-84-690-8772-5



  • E. Bengoetxea, J. Grao. (2005). Designing and Implementing a European Joint Master Degree in Engineering by Following the Quality Standards of the Education Programs of the European Commission. Proceedings of the IEEE's International Conference on Engineering and Computer Education, ICECE´05. Madrid, Spain.


  • M. Daniels, L. Pemberton, R. Griffiths, T. Nodenot, E. Bengoetxea.
    Distance Learning and the International Dimension.The European Intensive Course Experience
    In New Directions in Professional Higher Education, T. Bouner, T. Katz, and D. Watson (eds.) Open University Press 2000, pp 149-154.

 Pattern Recognition, Data Mining, Optimisation, Classification:


  • D. Morales, Y. Vives-Gilabert, B. Gómez-Ansón; E Bengoetxea, P. Larrañaga, C. Bielza, J. Pagonabarraga, J. Kulisevsky, I. Corcuera-Solano, M. Delfino (2013). Predicting dementia development in Parkinson's disease using Bayesian network classifiers. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging, 213:92-98.


  • E. Bengoetxea, P. Larrañaga, C. Bielza, J.A. Fernández del Pozo (2011). Optimal Row and Column Ordering to Improve Table Interpretation using Estimation of Distribution Algorithms. Journal of Heuristics, 17(5):567-588.
  • J.M. De la Fuente, E. Bengoetxea, F. Navarro, J. Bobes, R.D. Alarcón (2011). Interconnection between Biological Abnormalities in Borderline Personality Disorder. Use of the Bayesian Networks Model. Psychiatry Research, 186:315-319.


  • C. Bielza, J.A. Fernández del Pozo, P. Larrañaga, E. Bengoetxea (2010). Multidimensional Statistical Analysis of the Parameterization of a Genetic Algorithm for the Optimal Ordering of Tables. Expert Systems with Applications, 37(1):804-815.
  • I. Inza, B. Calvo, R. Armañanzas, E. Bengoetxea, P. Larrañaga, J.A. Lozano (2010). Chapter 2: Machine learning: an indispensable tool in bioinformatics. In Bioinformatics Methods in Clinical Research, R. Matthiesen (ed). Springer. ISBN: 978-1-60327-193-6
  • E. Bengoetxea, P. Larrañaga (2010). EDA-PSO: A Hybrid Paradigm Combining Estimation of Distribution Algorithms and Particle Swarm Optimization. Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Swarm Intelligence (ANTS 2010). Lecture notes in Computer Science 6234, pp. 416-423. Springer, Heidelberg. Brussels, Belgium.


  • Dinora A. Morales, E. Bengoetxea, P. Larrañaga (2009). Chapter XV: Gaussian-Stacking Multiclassifiers for Human Embryo Selection. In Data Mining and Medical Knowledge Management: Cases and Applications, P. Berka, J. Rauch and D.A. Zighed (eds.). Medical Information Science Reference Publisher. IGI Global Inc. ISBN 978-1-60566-218-3
  • Dinora A. Morales, E. Bengoetxea, P. Larrañaga (2009). Clasificadores Bayesianos en la selección embrionaria en tratamientos de reproducción asistida. Matematicalia, 4(3); In Spanish.


  • D. Morales, E. Bengoetxea, P. Larrañaga (2008) Selection of Human Embryos for Transfer by Bayesian Classifiers. Computers in Biology and Medicine, 38(11):1177-1186.
  • D. Morales, E. Bengoetxea, P. Larrañaga, M. García, Y. Franco-Iriarte, M. Fresnada, M. Merino (2008) Bayesian classification for the selection of in-vitro human embryos using morphological and clinical data. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 90(2): 104-116.
  • D. Morales, E. Bengoetxea, P. Larrañaga (2008). Automatic Segmentation of Zona Pellucida in Human Embryo Images Applying an Active Contour Model. Proceedings of the Medical Image Understanding and Analysis (MIUA 2008), 209-213. J. Hoey and S. McKenna (eds.). Dundee, Scotland.


  • T. Miquélez, E. Bengoetxea, A. Mendiburu, P. Larrañaga (2007) Combining Bayesian classifiers and estimation of distribution algorithms for optimization in continuous domains. Connection Science, 19(4): 297-319.
  • A. Mendiburu, R. Santana, J. A. Lozano, and E. Bengoetxea (2007). A parallel framework for loopy belief propagation.
    In Workshops Proceedings of the 2007 Genetic and Evolutionary Conference (GECCO'07), Companion Material. London, UK. ACM Digital Library. Pp. 2843-2850.
  • D. Morales, E. Bengoetxea, P. Larrañaga, M. García, Y Franco-Iriarte, M. Fresnada, M. Merino (2007).
    Selection of Human Embryos in IVF by Bayesian Classifiers. CEDI 2007, II Simposio de Inteligencia Computacional (SICO'07). Spain.


  • Towards a New Evolutionary Computation. Advances on Estimation of Distribution Algorithms (2006)
    J.A. Lozano, P. Larrañaga, I. Inza, E. Bengoetxea (Eds.). Springer. ISBN: 978-3-540-29006-3
    Series: Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing , Vol. 192.
  • T. Miquélez, E. Bengoetxea, and P. Larrañaga (2006). Evolutionary Bayesian Classifier-based Optimization in Continuous Domains. Lecture notes in Computer Science 4247. SEAL 2006, The 6th International Conference on Simulated Evolution and Learning, Hefei (China).
  • T. Miquélez, E. Bengoetxea, P. Larrañaga (2006). Bayesian classifiers in optimization: an EDA-like approach. In Towards a New Evolutionary Computation. Advances on Estimation of Distribution Algorithms, Lozano, J.A.; Larrañaga, P.; Inza, I.; Bengoetxea, E. (Eds.). Springer. 221-242.


  • R.M. Cesar, E. Bengoetxea, I. Bloch, P. Larrañaga (2005). Inexact graph matching for mdel-based recognition: Evaluation and comparison of optimization algorithms. Pattern Recognition 38(11):2099-2113.
  • T. Miquélez, O. Pérez-Beltrán, E. Bengoetxea, and P. Larrañaga. (2005). Optimización mediante clasificadores Bayesianos evolutivos en entornos continuos. CEDI 2005, IV Congreso Español sobre Metaheurísticas, Algoritmos Evolutivos y Bioinspirados, Spain.
  • T. Miquélez, O. Pérez-Beltrán, E. Bengoetxea, and P. Larrañaga (2004). Evolutionary Computation based on Bayesian Classifiers. International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, 14(3), 101-115.
  • T. Miquélez, E. Bengoetxea, and P. Larrañaga (2004). Applying Bayesian Classifiers to Evolutionary Computation. Technical report, KAT-IK-04-01 of the Department of Computer Architecture and Technology, University of the Basque Country, Spain.


  • E. Bengoetxea (2003). Inexact Graph Matching Using Estimation of Distribution Algorithms. PhD Thesis.
    Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications, Paris, France.
    Last Version: March 2003


  • E. Bengoetxea, P. Larrañaga, I. Bloch, A. Perchant, and C. Boeres (2002). Learning and simulation of Bayesian networks applied to inexact graph matching. Pattern Recognition 35(12):2867-2880.
  • R.M. Cesar, E. Bengoetxea, I. Bloch (2002). Inexact graph matching using stochastic optimization techniques for facial feature recognition.
    In 16th International IEEE Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2002), vol 2, pages 465-468. Quebeck, Canada.
  • A. Mendiburu, E. Bengoetxea, J. Miguel (2002). Paralelización de algorítmos de estimación de distribuciones. In XIII Jornadas de Paralelismo, pages 37-41. ISBN: 64-8409-159-7.
  • E. Bengoetxea, P. Larrañaga, I. Bloch, and A. Perchant (2001). Estimation of Distribution Algorithms: A New Evolutionary Computation Approach For Graph Matching Problems. Lecture notes in Computer Science 2134. Third International Workshop on Energy Minimization Methods in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (EMMCVPR-2001). M. Figueiredo, J. Zerubia and A. K. Jain (eds.), pages 454-468, ISBN: 978-3-540-42523-6. Sophia Antipolis, France.
  • E. Bengoetxea, P. Larrañaga, I. Bloch, and A. Perchant (2001). Image Recognition with Graph Matching Using Estimation of Distribution Algorithms. Proceedings of the Medical Image Understanding and Analysis (MIUA 2001), 89-92, Birmingham, UK.
  • E. Bengoetxea, P. Larrañaga, I. Bloch, P. Perchant (2001). Chapter 12: Solving graph matching with EDAs using a permutation-based representation. In Estimation of Distribution Algorithms. A new tool for Evolutionary Computation, P. Larrañaga and J.A. Lozano (eds.). Kluwer Academic Publishers. 
  • P. Larrañaga, E. Bengoetxea, J.A. Lozano, V. Robles, A. Mendiburu, and P. de Miguel (2001). Searching for the Best Permutation with estimation of Distribution Algorithms. Proceedings of the Seventeenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2001). Workshop on Stochastic Search Algorithms, pages 7-14, Seattle, USA.
  • E. Bengoetxea, T. Miquélez, J.A. Lozano, and P. Larrañaga (2001). Chapter 8: Experimental results in function optimization with EDAs in continuous domain. In Estimation of Distribution Algorithms. A new tool for Evolutionary Computation, P. Larrañaga and J.A. Lozano (eds.). Kluwer Academic Publishers.
  • P. Larrañaga, J.A. Lozano, and E. Bengoetxea. (2001). Estimation of Distribution Algorithms based on multivariate normal and Gaussian networks. Technical Report KZZA-IK-1-01 of the Department of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, University of the Basque Country, Spain.
  • T. Miquélez, E. Bengoetxea, I. Morlán, and P. Larrañaga (2001). Obtention of filters for Image Restauration Using Estimation of Distribution Algorithms. CAEPIA 2001, Spanish Society for the Artificial Intelligence. (in Spanish).
  • E. Bengoetxea, P. Larrañaga, I. Bloch, A. Perchant, and C. Boeres (2000). Inexact graph matching using learning and simulation of Bayesian networks. An empirical comparison between different approaches with synthetic data. Proceedings of CaNew workshop, ECAI 2000 Conference, ECCAI. Berlin, Germany.


  • E. Bengoetxea (1998). Use of PET in radiotherapy. MSc Thesis.
    University of Aberdeen, Scotland, UK. Last Version: September 1999

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Last updated:29 May, 2020