]> Grado en Ingeniería de Energías Renovables

Empleo en el sector de las Energías Renovables en Europa

Employment data covers both direct and indirect jobs. Direct jobs are those directly deriving from manufacturing, equipment distribution or renewable energy production site operations. Indirect jobs are those that result from activity in sectors that supply materials or components used by the renewables sectors but not exclusively so (such as copper smelting plants part of whose production may be used for manufacturing solar thermal equipment, but may also be destined for appliances in totally unconnected fields)

Job figures relate to gross employment, i.e. they do not include jobs lost in other conventional sectors due to expenditure and investment diverted from other sectors.

Energía eólica

Energía solar fotovoltaica

Energía solar térmica

Energía mini-hidraúlica

Energía geotérmica



Desperdicios urbanos renovables

Biomasa sólida

Empleo por país y sector


EurObserv'ER. L'Oservatoire des energies renouvelables

Documento: The state of renewable energies in Europe, 11th EurObserv'ER report (14-02-2012)
